English Collection



2013年11月13日 | 英語学習
Reader's DigestのEveryday Kitchenコーナーの10月号の記事はTurn leftover vegetable scraps into stockというタイトルです。記事の一部を抜粋します。
Over the week, as we cook, most of the vegetable offcuts go straight in the bag. For example, onion skins, carrot tops, silverbeet stems, capsicum ends, herb stalks, the woody bit of a head of broccoli, the green ends of a leek, tomato offcuts or leftover bits of ginger.
"head of broccoli" という言い方はキャベツも同じですね。さて、今日採り上げたい単語は "offcut" です。 初めて見る単語ですが、意味は多分「切れ端」で合っているでしょう。 辞書で確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: a piece of paper, plywood, fabric, etc, remaining after the main pieces have been cut; remnant: Use the offcut to fill the next border gap if it is wider than the gap.
・Oxford English Dictionary: British: a piece of waste material that is left behind after cutting a larger piece: a timber offcut: offcuts of carpet
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