English Collection



2013年11月14日 | 英語学習
死にそうになっているネズミの子供を助けて育てた話がReader's Digest 10月号にありました。そのLove Ratと題された記事から抜粋します。
When we found him, he was blind and soaking, slumped in an alleyway, clearly close to death.
He struggled to stand, then listed to one side and collapsed again.
"listed" ですが、日本語にもなっているリストの意味しか知りませんが、上の文での意味は明らかに別の意味ですね。文脈からすると「よろめく」感じですが、辞書で確認します。・Cambridge English Dictionary: (of a ship) to lean to one side, especially as a result of damage: The tanker is listing badly and liable to sink at any moment.
・Vocabulary.com: cause to lean to the side: “Erosion listed the old tree”; tilt to one side: “The ship listed to starboard”
To make a list is to put things in order or to name them, like a grocery list or a wish list.
Listing is also leaning over, creating a slant called a list.
List can also be a verb used to describe what you do when you make a list. You could list all the state capitals, people's names, your favorite movies, or pretty much anything.
Listing can be done numerically, alphabetically, or randomly. Also, a line or surface that leans or tilts has a list, like a sagging bookcase that's overloaded. To lean in this way is to list: the Leaning Tower of Pisa is listing. へエー!という感じです。"the Leaning Tower of Pisa is listing"の文で覚えると記憶できそう。
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