English Collection


insidious decay

2014年01月20日 | 英語学習
SNSのALCOM WorldにあるPaperback Clubで紹介されていたTuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albomを読み始めています。 これは実話のようです。 Mitch Albomは主にスポーツ関連のジャーナリストで、TVの番組(Ted KoppelのNightline)で恩師がALS(筋萎縮性側索硬化症)を患っているのを知りました。Mitchは再び恩師の所に通い、人生の授業を受けます。
The two men spoke about the afterlife. They spoke about Morrie's increasing dependency on other people. He already needed help eating and sitting and moving from place to place. What, Koppel asked, did Morrie dread the most about his slow, insidious decay?
"insidious decay" の "insidious" ですが、馬鹿の一つ覚えで、「内密の」とか「こっそりと」のような意味しか知らないので、ここでの使い方とちょっと合いません。辞書で他の意味・用例を調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: working in a subtle or apparently innocuous way, but nevertheless deadly ⇒ an insidious illness: At the other end lurks an altogether more insidious disorder called sleep apnoea.
・Macmillan Dictionary: something that is insidious is dangerous because it seems to be harmless or not important but in fact causes harm or damage: the insidious effects of gossip
If something is slowly and secretly causing harm, it's insidious ? like the rumors no one seems to listen to until suddenly someone's reputation is ruined.
Insidious is related to the Latin noun, īnsidiae meaning "ambush" which comes from the Latin verb, īnsidēre "to lie in wait for." This is very fitting as an insidious rumor or problem is one whose negative effect is not realized until the damage is already done. Similarly, an insidious disease develops internally without symptoms, so that you don't realize right away that you are sick.
なるほど、"inside" と関係があるのですね。知らない間にこっそりと内部に入り込んだ悪魔ですね。
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