English Collection


student deferment

2014年01月21日 | 英語学習
本のタイトル、Tuesdays with Morrieは著者のMitchが受けるMorrieの授業がTuesdaysから来ています。
I finish that first course with him and enrol for another. He is an easy marker; he does not much care for grade. One year, they say, during the Vietnam War, Morrie gave all his male students A's to help them keep their student deferments.
Morrieは全ての男子生徒にAを与える、優しい、別の見方をすると男女差別する教師ですね。そうすると、"student deferments" は卒業を延ばす留年ではありませんが何でしょう?
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: official permission to do required military service at a later time: the policies of military deferment
・Cambridge English Dictionary: temporary delay in taking someone into the military forces: They got draft deferments as graduate students.
なるほど、兵役の猶予ですか。ただ、 "deferment" には学生ローンの支払い猶予の意味でも使われるので文脈に注意する必要がありますね。
Dr Gibson said the amendment would retain the reintroduction of maintenance grants and the deferment of fee payment until after graduation.
"deferment" はこの後にも次ぎの様に出てきました。
When the professors learned that students who did not maintain a certain grade point average could lose their "deferments" and be drafted, they decided not to give any grade.
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