次ぎの文の "I" はTuesdays with Morrieの著者 Mitchです。
I jotted some of the things Morrie was saying on a yellow pad. I did this mostly because I didn't want him to see my eyes, to know what I was thinking, that I had been, for much of my life since graduation, pursuing these very things he had been railing against--bigger toys, nicer house. Because I worked among rich and famous athletes, I convinced myself that my needs were realistic, my greed inconsequential compered to theirs.
今日採り上げる表現 "railing against" も以前に調べた気がするのですが、忘れているのでまた辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: (intransitive; followed by at or against) to complain bitterly or vehemently ⇒ to rail against fate
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to complain vehemently about someone or something. Why are you railing against me? What did I do? Leonard is railing against the tax increase again.
The verb rail means to criticize severely. When you rail against increased taxes at a town meeting, you speak openly and loudly about how wrong the increase is and point out the problems it will cause.
Rail can also mean "to complain." When your mom asks you to vacuum the house, you might rail against this chore by saying that you ALWAYS do the vacuuming, that vacuuming is SO hard, and that you hate the stupid vacuum! Rail can also mean to spread negative information about someone in an abusive way. If your "friends" rail against you to everyone in school, they're spreading nasty rumors about you, and you should find new friends!
例: “She railed against the bad social policies”
今度は何とかこの "rail against" を覚えたいですね。
I jotted some of the things Morrie was saying on a yellow pad. I did this mostly because I didn't want him to see my eyes, to know what I was thinking, that I had been, for much of my life since graduation, pursuing these very things he had been railing against--bigger toys, nicer house. Because I worked among rich and famous athletes, I convinced myself that my needs were realistic, my greed inconsequential compered to theirs.
今日採り上げる表現 "railing against" も以前に調べた気がするのですが、忘れているのでまた辞書を見ます。
・Collins Dictionary: (intransitive; followed by at or against) to complain bitterly or vehemently ⇒ to rail against fate
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: to complain vehemently about someone or something. Why are you railing against me? What did I do? Leonard is railing against the tax increase again.
The verb rail means to criticize severely. When you rail against increased taxes at a town meeting, you speak openly and loudly about how wrong the increase is and point out the problems it will cause.
Rail can also mean "to complain." When your mom asks you to vacuum the house, you might rail against this chore by saying that you ALWAYS do the vacuuming, that vacuuming is SO hard, and that you hate the stupid vacuum! Rail can also mean to spread negative information about someone in an abusive way. If your "friends" rail against you to everyone in school, they're spreading nasty rumors about you, and you should find new friends!
例: “She railed against the bad social policies”
今度は何とかこの "rail against" を覚えたいですね。