English Collection


bank sleep

2014年04月10日 | 英語学習
健康に関する記事もReader's Digestの定番です。"Sleep banking" と題された記事の "banking" の意味が直ぐにはピンと来ませんが、記事を読みます。
Anticipating too little sleep in the near future? Recent data suggest you can bank sleep in advance to offset the effects of sleep deprivation, says sleep specialist Dr Christopher Winter. Go to bed one to two hours earlier than you normally would for a few days before your expected lack of sleep, he says: "You'll have more energy than you would if you hadn't been sleeping well beforehand."
なるほど、文脈からすると "Sleep banking" は寝貯めですね。辞書にこの様な例があるか調べます。
・Collins Dictionary: any supply, store, or reserve, for future use ⇒ a data bank, a blood bank
・Cambridge English Dictionary: A bank of something, such as blood or human organs for medical use, is a place that stores these things for later use: a blood bank; a sperm bank
眠りを貯める例は見つかりませんでしたが、上の辞書の例の様にお金以外の物を貯める例はあったので "Sleep banking" は寝貯めで間違えないでしょう。
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