計量に関する業界誌 'NCSL International MEASURE' を読んでいたら、業界誌にしては珍しく、覚えたいと思う表現が出てきました。
Monte Carlo iterations are used in the generation of the matrix. This requires considerable computational brute-force and consumed approximately 43 hours of CPU time running under MS Windows 7 in Excel 2010 using an Intel Core i5 4300 CPU clocked at 2.6 GHz.
覚えたい表現は "brute-force" です。辞書にはハイフン抜きの "brute force" で次の説明が出ていました。
・Wiktionary: (computer science) A method of computation wherein all permutations of a problem are tried manually until one is found that provides a solution, in contrast to the implementation of a more intelligent algorithm. E.g. to find the set of all positive integers that are multiples of seven, a brute force algorithm would search through all positive integers, checking each one to see if it is a multiple of seven, whereas a more intelligent algorithm might simply multiply the set of all positive integers by seven.
・Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures: An algorithm that inefficiently solves a problem, often by trying every one of a wide range of possible solutions.
Monte Carlo iterations are used in the generation of the matrix. This requires considerable computational brute-force and consumed approximately 43 hours of CPU time running under MS Windows 7 in Excel 2010 using an Intel Core i5 4300 CPU clocked at 2.6 GHz.
覚えたい表現は "brute-force" です。辞書にはハイフン抜きの "brute force" で次の説明が出ていました。
・Wiktionary: (computer science) A method of computation wherein all permutations of a problem are tried manually until one is found that provides a solution, in contrast to the implementation of a more intelligent algorithm. E.g. to find the set of all positive integers that are multiples of seven, a brute force algorithm would search through all positive integers, checking each one to see if it is a multiple of seven, whereas a more intelligent algorithm might simply multiply the set of all positive integers by seven.
・Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures: An algorithm that inefficiently solves a problem, often by trying every one of a wide range of possible solutions.