English Collection



2017年04月21日 | 英語の本を読む

村上春樹の短編をこれまでに幾つか読みましたが、世間の村上春樹人気に反して、彼の作品は私は余り面白いとは思いませんでした。そのせいもあって、彼の長編小説を読む気にはなりませんが、彼が新作を発表する度にマスコミが騒ぐことと、図書館にも彼の本は幾つもあり、特に英語に訳された日本人の作品としては一番多いと言って良いほど何冊もあるので、なるべく薄い本から又読んでみることにしました。まず、阪神大震災後の短編集 'after the quake' を読みます。村上氏は英語のタイトルを小文字にするように指定したと聞いています。その中の最初の話 'All God's Children Can Dance' から引用します。
Until he graduated from elementary school, Yoshiya used to go out with his mother once a week on missionary work. She achieved the best results of anyone in the church. She was so young and lovely and seemingly well bred (in fact, she was well bred) that people always liked her. Plus she had this charming little boy with her. Most people would let down their guard in her presence. They might not be interested in religion, but they were willing to listen to her. She would go from house to house in a simple (but figure-hugging) suit distributin pamphlets and calmly extolling the joys of faith.
"figure-hugging suit" の "figure" も "hugging" も知っている単語ですが、"figure-hugging" とは何でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (of a garment) fitting closely to the contours of a woman's body: a low-cut, figure-hugging dress
・Collins Dictionary: Figure-hugging clothes fit very close to the body of the person who is wearing them. Figure-hugging is usually used to describe clothes worn by women.: figure-hugging cocktail dresses

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