For people geographically closed to the attacks, those who chose not to express their emotions had fewer symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder two years later than people who had shared their thoughts and feelings online. Furthermore, the more people wrote (i.e., the longer their posts), the poorer they fared two years later.
"fare" は名詞の料金、運賃の他に動詞として旅をするとか食事をする意味があるのは知っていますが、上の引用個所の動詞の意味が分かりません。辞書を引きます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period of time.: the party fared badly in the spring elections
・Collins Dictionary: to be in a specified condition or position; get on; go through an experience: he fared well on his trip
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to succeed or be treated in the stated way: How did you fare in your exams?: Low-paid workers will fare badly/well under this government.