English Collection


true to my sucker form

2019年12月06日 | 英語の原書を読む
Reader's Digest 10月号の記事 'The Bear Who Came to Dinner' からの引用です。
At campsites, Bosco never tolerated long periods of relaxation and reflection, and true to my sucker form where animals are concerned, I babied his every whim.
"true to my sucker form" の個所が分かりません。辞書で調べると、"true to form" という慣用句があり、辞書には次の説明がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Being or behaving as expected.: Ultimately, and true to form, the woman is portrayed as the weaker sex
・McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs: exactly as expected; following the usual pattern. (Often with running, as in the example.): As usual, John is late. At least he's running true to form.
では "my sucker" は何でしょう? 辞書を見ると "sucker" にも色々な意味がありますが、ここでは次の意味だと思います。

・Oxford English Dictionary: (a sucker for) A person especially susceptible to or fond of (a specified thing): I always was a sucker for a good fairy tale.

・Collins Dictionary: If you describe someone as a sucker for something, you mean that they find it very difficult to resist it.: I'm such a sucker for romance.

・Cambridge English Dictionary: to like something so much that you cannot refuse it or judge its real value: I have to confess I'm a sucker for musicals.
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