Anthony Horowitz のシャーロック・ホームズ小説 "The House of Silk" を読み始めました。シャーロック・ホームズ小説なのに作者がコナン・ドイルでは無いのは何故と思いましたが、これはコナンドイル財団がコナン・ドイルの没後初めて公認したシャーロック・ホームズ小説だそうです。
'Inside the mail car, the security guard had heard the shots and I can only imagine the terror he must have felt as he unlocked the door if they had demanded it? We will never know. A moment later, a huge explosion rent the air and the entire wall of the carriage was blown apart.
"rent the air" の動詞、現在形は "rent" あるいは "rend" だと思うが、いずれにせよ、ここでの意味に合う動詞を知りません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Sound piercingly.: ‘a shrill scream rent the air’
・Collins Dictionary: If a loud sound rends the air, it is sudden and violent. He bellows, rends the air with anguish.
"rend the air" という表現がありますが、元々 "rend" に次の意味があり、
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to tear or break something violently: figurative A terrifying scream rent the air.
そこから "rend the air" の表現が出て来たのですね。
'Inside the mail car, the security guard had heard the shots and I can only imagine the terror he must have felt as he unlocked the door if they had demanded it? We will never know. A moment later, a huge explosion rent the air and the entire wall of the carriage was blown apart.
"rent the air" の動詞、現在形は "rent" あるいは "rend" だと思うが、いずれにせよ、ここでの意味に合う動詞を知りません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Sound piercingly.: ‘a shrill scream rent the air’
・Collins Dictionary: If a loud sound rends the air, it is sudden and violent. He bellows, rends the air with anguish.
"rend the air" という表現がありますが、元々 "rend" に次の意味があり、
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to tear or break something violently: figurative A terrifying scream rent the air.
そこから "rend the air" の表現が出て来たのですね。