Reader's Digest 11月号の記事 'Eyes on the Fries' からの引用です。
How one dips a fry alters the experience. Since the rise of fast food in the 1940s, the dunker of choice has been classic ketchup, but in their likely birthplace of Belgium, fries are served with mayonnaise.
"dunker" と言うとバスケットボールの選手を連想しますが、ここではフレンチフライをディップする人の事ですね。 この意味が辞書に載っているか確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: dunk something (in/into something) to put food quickly into liquid before eating it: She sat reading a magazine, dunking cookies in her coffee.
・ an eater who dips food into a liquid before eating it: “he was a dunker--he couldn't eat a doughnut without a cup of coffee to dunk it in”
・Wikionary: Any snack food suitable for dunking in sauce.
How one dips a fry alters the experience. Since the rise of fast food in the 1940s, the dunker of choice has been classic ketchup, but in their likely birthplace of Belgium, fries are served with mayonnaise.
"dunker" と言うとバスケットボールの選手を連想しますが、ここではフレンチフライをディップする人の事ですね。 この意味が辞書に載っているか確認します。
・Oxford English Dictionary: dunk something (in/into something) to put food quickly into liquid before eating it: She sat reading a magazine, dunking cookies in her coffee.
・ an eater who dips food into a liquid before eating it: “he was a dunker--he couldn't eat a doughnut without a cup of coffee to dunk it in”
・Wikionary: Any snack food suitable for dunking in sauce.