English Collection


sere plains

2023年02月02日 | 英単語
Reader's Digest 11月号の記事 'A BIRDER'S BIG YEAR' からの引用です。

Over the past two days of driving, starting in Colorado, she'd watched the Rocky Mountains receding in her rearview mirror; now she passed through a sea of sere plains.

"sere plains" はどんな平原でしょうか?
"sere" に次の意味がありました。

・Collins Dictionary:(OLD-FASHIONED, Poetic) dried up; withered
・Vocabulary.com:(used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture: “the desert was edged with sere vegetation”
You can describe something that is dried up, withered, or without moisture with the adjective sere. The desert climate, for example, is sere, as is your skin after a day in the wind.
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