English Collection



2023年02月23日 | 英単語
Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。

Highway driving in good weather is relatively amenable to narrow AI, because highways themselves are largely closed systems; pedestrians aren't allowed, and even cars have limited access. But engineers working the problem have come to realize that urban driving is much more complex; what an appear on a road in a croweded city at any given moment is essentially unbounded. Human drivers routinely cope with circumstances for which they have little of no direct data (like the first time they see a police officer with a hand-lettered sigh saying DETOUR--SINKHOLE). One techincal term for such circumstances is that they are outliers; narrow AI tends to get flummoxed by them.

"outlier" を辞書で調べます。

・Vocabulary.com: In statistics an outlier is a piece of data that is far from the rest; think of a graph with dots, where most dots are clustered together in the middle, but one dot, the outlier, is at the top.
Think of an outlier as an outsider. An outlier refers to anything that strays from, or isn’t part of, the norm. If you like to sleep in a tent in the backyard while your neighbors and family sleep in their beds, you’re probably an outlier. You may also be an outlier if you have to travel far to your job. In geology, rock that is separated from another rock formation is called an outlier.
1. A person or thing situated away from the main body or outside its proper place.
An exception.
2. (geology) A part of a formation separated from the rest of the formation by erosion.
3. (statistics) A value in a statistical sample which does not fit a pattern that describes most other data points; specifically, a value that lies 1.5 IQR beyond the upper or lower quartile. (Note: IQR: short for interquartile range)
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