題名とはかけ離れた世界の小説、川上未映子の 'Heaven' を読み終えて、早速、川端康成の有名な小説 "雪国" を読み始めました。
Always ready to give himself up to reverie, he could not believe that the mirror were really works of man. They were part of nature, and part of some distant world.
And the room he had only this moment left had become part of that same distant world.
Startled at himself, in need of something to cling to, he stopped a blind masseuse at the top of the hill.
"Could you give me a massage?"
"masseuse" は知らない単語ですが、次の文に "massage" とあるので、マッサージ師を示しているに違いません。発音も難しそうなので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: a woman whose job is giving people massages (French)
・Collins Dictionary: a woman who gives massages, esp as a profession: And I couldn't survive the season without my personal masseuse.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a female masseur
Always ready to give himself up to reverie, he could not believe that the mirror were really works of man. They were part of nature, and part of some distant world.
And the room he had only this moment left had become part of that same distant world.
Startled at himself, in need of something to cling to, he stopped a blind masseuse at the top of the hill.
"Could you give me a massage?"
"masseuse" は知らない単語ですが、次の文に "massage" とあるので、マッサージ師を示しているに違いません。発音も難しそうなので辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: a woman whose job is giving people massages (French)
・Collins Dictionary: a woman who gives massages, esp as a profession: And I couldn't survive the season without my personal masseuse.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: a female masseur