Gary Marcus and Ernest Davisの "Rebooting AI" を読んでいます。
Want to copy forty different recipes from forty differnt web pages, automatically converting all imperial measurements into metric, and scaling everything for four portions?
"imperial measurements" はその後に "into metric" とあるので、インチやポンド、日本なら昔の尺貫法での値をメートル法の値に変換する話をしているに違いない。 辞書で確認します。 辞書には "imperial" の項に次の説明がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: connected with the system for measuring length, weight and volume using pounds, inches, etc.
・Collins Dictionary: The imperial system of measurement uses inches, feet, and yards to measure length, ounces and pounds to measure weight, and pints and gallons to measure volume.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: The imperial system of measurement uses units such as inches, miles, and pints: Imperial units have in many cases been replaced by metric ones in Britain.
Want to copy forty different recipes from forty differnt web pages, automatically converting all imperial measurements into metric, and scaling everything for four portions?
"imperial measurements" はその後に "into metric" とあるので、インチやポンド、日本なら昔の尺貫法での値をメートル法の値に変換する話をしているに違いない。 辞書で確認します。 辞書には "imperial" の項に次の説明がありました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: connected with the system for measuring length, weight and volume using pounds, inches, etc.
・Collins Dictionary: The imperial system of measurement uses inches, feet, and yards to measure length, ounces and pounds to measure weight, and pints and gallons to measure volume.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: The imperial system of measurement uses units such as inches, miles, and pints: Imperial units have in many cases been replaced by metric ones in Britain.