English Collection


the willies

2009年11月21日 | 英語学習
今日の単語 "willies" は前にも取り上げていますがまた忘れたので再度取り上げます。 次ぎの文はリーダーズダイジェスト9月号にあった記事からです。(何の記事であったかはメモしなかったので不明)
The idea of having another human, even a medical human, becoming deeply involved in what is technically known as your "behindular zone" gives you the creeping willies.
"willies" の用法が載っている辞書を幾つか見ます。
・Dictionary.com: (used with a plural verb) Informal. nervousness or fright; jitters; creeps (usually prec. by the): That horror movie gave me the willies.
・American Herritage Dictionary: Feelings of uneasiness. Often used with the: The dark, dank cave gave me the willies.
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: a feeling of nervousness and fear, especially caused by something strange or threatening; Spending a night in the house alone always gives me the willies.; Seeing something in the shadows, I suddenly got the willies and ran.
Online Etymology Dictionary: 1896, "spell of nervousness," perhaps from the woollies, a dialectal term for "nervous uneasiness," probably in reference to the itchiness of wool garments.
"the willies" の語源が "woollies"、"itchiness of wool garments" から来ているというのを覚えれば真偽はともかくとして "the willies" の意味は覚えられそうです。
ところでRDの記事に "behindular zone" の "behindular" は辞書に出ていない単語ですが、"behind" + "ular" の合成語でしょう。 "ular" を辞書で引くと次ぎの様な説明があります。
・Dictionary.com: suff. Of, relating to, or resembling: tubular.
・Mosby's Medical Dictionary:
1 combining form meaning "pertaining to" something specified: appendicular, molecular, pedicular.
2 combining form meaning "resembling" something specified: circular, globular, tubular.
"ular" はcellular-phoneにも使われている接尾辞ですね。
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