東野圭吾の小説 "New Comer" の翻訳者、Giles Murrayの "Breaking into Japanese Literature" を読み始めました。
On both sides of us there were rice paddies. The path was narrow. From time to time the shadowy shapes of herons punctured the darkness.
"From time to time the shadowy shapes of herons punctured the darkness." の日本語原文は「鷺の影が時々闇に差す。」となっていて、この本は日本語を勉強している外国人向けの本なので、日本語の各単語に次の説明がついています。
鷺【さぎ】heron、影【かげ】shadow 時々【ときどき】sometimes 闇【やみ】darkness 差す【さす】flicker, appear and disappear
"puncture" はパンクの原因となる穴を開ける意味が直ぐに思いつくのですが、Murray氏が何故ここでこの単語を選んだのか気になったので英英辞書で "puncture" を見ました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: to suddenly make somebody feel less confident, proud, etc.: The earlier mood of optimism had been punctured.
・Collins Dictionary: If someone's feelings or beliefs are punctured, their feelings or beliefs are made to seem wrong or foolish, especially when this makes the person feel disappointed or upset.: His enthusiasm for fishing had been punctured by the sight of what he might catch.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to suddenly make someone less confident or positive: My positive mood was rather punctured by the news.
鷺の影が物理的に闇に変化を与えるだけでなく、精神的にもムードに変化を与えるので、訳者は "puncture" を使ったのでしょうか?
On both sides of us there were rice paddies. The path was narrow. From time to time the shadowy shapes of herons punctured the darkness.
"From time to time the shadowy shapes of herons punctured the darkness." の日本語原文は「鷺の影が時々闇に差す。」となっていて、この本は日本語を勉強している外国人向けの本なので、日本語の各単語に次の説明がついています。
鷺【さぎ】heron、影【かげ】shadow 時々【ときどき】sometimes 闇【やみ】darkness 差す【さす】flicker, appear and disappear
"puncture" はパンクの原因となる穴を開ける意味が直ぐに思いつくのですが、Murray氏が何故ここでこの単語を選んだのか気になったので英英辞書で "puncture" を見ました。
・Oxford English Dictionary: to suddenly make somebody feel less confident, proud, etc.: The earlier mood of optimism had been punctured.
・Collins Dictionary: If someone's feelings or beliefs are punctured, their feelings or beliefs are made to seem wrong or foolish, especially when this makes the person feel disappointed or upset.: His enthusiasm for fishing had been punctured by the sight of what he might catch.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to suddenly make someone less confident or positive: My positive mood was rather punctured by the news.
鷺の影が物理的に闇に変化を与えるだけでなく、精神的にもムードに変化を与えるので、訳者は "puncture" を使ったのでしょうか?