English Collection



2024年07月03日 | 英単語
Giles Murrayの "Breaking into Japanese Literature" を読んでいます。

Even by the standards of the thieves who infest Kyoto, this Tojomaru fellow was a real women's man.

多襄丸:(person's name)、という: called やつ: fellow、洛中: in the capital(Kyoto) 徘徊する: loiter, prowl around 盗人: robber 中: among、女好き: womanizer

"infest" を徘徊するの訳語として使っていますが、私が知っている "infest" は病気がはびこるだけなので、 "infest" の意味・用例を確認します。

・Oxford English Dictionary: (especially of insects or animals such as rats) to exist in large numbers in a particular place, often causing damage or disease: The kitchen was infested with ants.
・Collins Dictionary: If you say that people or things you disapprove of or regard as dangerous are infesting a place, you mean that there are large numbers of them in that place.: Crime and drugs are infesting the inner cities.
・Vocabulary.com: The verb infest means to invade in large number, often resisting control and causing damage or hardship. Bedbugs can infest people's belongings and even their bodies, or mice may infest your kitchen if you leave the cheese out too often.
Infest comes from Latin: in- means "not" and festus means "able to be seized." So infest describes something is not able to be seized, typically because it's present in such large numbers. For example, mosquitoes may infest your backyard during the summer and annoy you when you're trying to relax. Infest is usually used to describe pests, such as bugs or rodents, that overrun something in such large number that they are difficult to control.


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