English Collection



2014年01月31日 | 英語学習
"quarry" と言うと昔受験勉強で丸暗記した石切り場の意味しか知りませんが、WILDERNESSに出てきた次ぎの "quarry" は石切り場とは全く関係ない意味です。
"Well, what have you guys been doing?" Janet said.
Newman put the three steaks, still frozen, in a fry pan on the stove and turned the gas on medium. He drank the other half of the beer and felt it move through him like sap through a tree. He grinned.
"We been stalking our quarry," he said. He opened his shirt so that Janet could see the nickel-plated .32 revolver at his belt.
・Macmillan Dictionary: a person or animal that someone is trying to find or catch: Wolves often pursue their quarry for up to three miles before attacking them.
・Vocabulary.com: Both meanings of quarry have to do with going after something. An animal being hunted is called quarry, and when you dig a hole in the earth looking for rocks, both the digging and the hole are called quarry as well.
Gross fact: Quarry derives from the Latin cor "heart," because hunters used to drape the entrails of their chosen quarry on their dogs' backs. The origin in a word for "heart" can help you remember both quarries: a rock quarry is searching down toward the heart of the earth; a stag's heart is considered a hunter's greatest prize.
NewmanとHoodはAdolph Karlを殺そうと様子をうかがっているので、AKはまさに "quarry" となるのですね。
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