Reader's Digest 11月号にあったFunny, You Don't Look Like Daniel Craig と題された、有名人と同名の一般人が経験する悲喜こもごもの話がありました。 副題は Sharing a name with a celebrity can be a blessing...or a curseです。 有名人と同姓同名の人が、病院で自分の名前が呼ばれると、回りの人間が一斉に顔を上げて自分を見るのが嫌だと言っているのを聞いた事があります。記事に出てくるのは米国の有名人なので私の知らない人が大半でしたが、記事中に興味の湧く表現がありました。
Marcia Clark - the budding publicist, not the former prosecutor - moved to New York on the cusp of the O.J. Simpson trial, when her namesake in California was busy trying to convict the former American football star of a double murder.
"on the cusp of" がイデオムの様なので調べます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: a time when one situation or stage ends and another begins; the problems confronting Africa on the cusp of the millennium
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a point of transition (as from one historical period to the next) : turning point; also : edge, verge; on the cusp of stardom
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary: the dividing line between two very different things; on the cusp of adulthood
覚えて置きたいイデオムです。元の "cusp" の意味も知らないので確認します。
1.A sharp point or pointed end.
2.(figuratively) An important moment when a decision is made that will determine future events.
3.(geometry) A point of a curve where the curve is continuous but has no derivative, but such that it has a derivative at every nearby point.
4.(astrology) A boundary between zodiacal signs and houses.
5.(dentistry) Any of the pointed parts of a canine tooth or molar.
Marcia Clark - the budding publicist, not the former prosecutor - moved to New York on the cusp of the O.J. Simpson trial, when her namesake in California was busy trying to convict the former American football star of a double murder.
"on the cusp of" がイデオムの様なので調べます。
・Macmillan Dictionary: a time when one situation or stage ends and another begins; the problems confronting Africa on the cusp of the millennium
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a point of transition (as from one historical period to the next) : turning point; also : edge, verge; on the cusp of stardom
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary: the dividing line between two very different things; on the cusp of adulthood
覚えて置きたいイデオムです。元の "cusp" の意味も知らないので確認します。
1.A sharp point or pointed end.
2.(figuratively) An important moment when a decision is made that will determine future events.
3.(geometry) A point of a curve where the curve is continuous but has no derivative, but such that it has a derivative at every nearby point.
4.(astrology) A boundary between zodiacal signs and houses.
5.(dentistry) Any of the pointed parts of a canine tooth or molar.