Reader's Digest 4月号のCrazy advertisementsと言う記事からの引用です。
Dresser for sale - possessed by ex-girlfriend
"I am selling the dresser that my ex left behind when we split. As in our relationship, she felt it wasn't an obligation of hers to move anything along in our union or move anything out when she left. It has a huge trifold mirror that was perfect for each of her faces. This dresser is a real keeper and just needs a little TLC. It never wonders where you have been, and it can be friends with other pieces of furniture without being jealous or complaining."
文中に略語の "TLC" が出てきましたが、何の略、意味でしょうか?
・Collins English Dictionary: (informal) tender loving care: Love and TLC - Tender Loving Care - are important parts of support.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: for tender loving care: kindness, love, and attention: He'll need a lot of TLC when he gets out of hospital.
・Macmillan Dictionary: tender loving care: sympathy and support that you show to someone, especially when they feel sick, upset, etc.
配偶者に対しても日頃 "TLC" の気持ちで接していれば離婚する必要はないでしょうね。
miner's lettuce 1年前
meme 2年前
head calls 2年前
cutworm 4年前
X-ray machine 8年前
hush puppies 9年前
Things I Hate 9年前
fence straddling 9年前
irrupt 11年前
ロマネスク収穫 11年前