Reader's Digest 2月号の記事 'My Bad Genes' の記事から引用します。
One of the unfortunate by-products of conducting genealogical research about yourself is cataloging all the various and sundry ways in which relatives met their ends.
Each ancestor's death is like a fun house mirror asking, "Will you, too, be felled by the French pox?"
"felled" でおやっ?と思いました。"fall" の過去分詞なら "fallen" なので "fell" と言う動詞は知りません。辞書を見るとありました。
・Cambridge English Dictionary: verb [ T ] us:
a) to cut down a tree: fig. He was felled (= killed) by a heart attack.
b) to knock someone down, especially in sports: He eventually felled his opponent with a punch to the head.
・Collins Dictionary: If trees are felled, they are cut down.: Badly infected trees should be felled and burned.
- miner's lettuce 12ヶ月前
- meme 2年前
- head calls 2年前
- cutworm 4年前
- X-ray machine 8年前
- hush puppies 8年前
- Things I Hate 8年前
- fence straddling 9年前
- irrupt 11年前
- ロマネスク収穫 11年前