English Collection



2011年04月19日 | 英語学習
ワインの味を感じるのは味覚と臭覚の他にも、色やみかけもあるとの実験についての "The Drunkard's Walk" にある記述です。
Another group of researchers gave a group of oenology students two wine samples. Both samples contained the same white wine, but to one was added a tastless grape anthocyanin dye that made it appear to be red wine. The students also perceived differences between the red and the white corresponding to their expectations.
"oenology" は何かの学問で、 "The Drunkard's Walk" は確率論の啓蒙書なので確率とか統計に関係する学問かと思いましたが、予想は外れました。"oenology"を辞書で見ると、"enology" とも綴られ:
・American Heritage Dictionary: The study of wine and the making of wine; viticulture.
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: a science that deals with wine and wine making
・Wiktionary: (uncountable) (usually spelled enology) The scientific study of wines and winemaking.; Even though I can't drink wine, I can still study oenology and enjoy knowing about the great wines of the world.
なるほど、"oenology students" はそれほど多くはないでしょうが、上の文のちょっと後に出てきた "oenophile" は非常に多いと思います。
But before you judge the oenophiles, consider this: when a researcher asked 30 cola drinkers whether they preferred Coke or Pepsi...
・Wiktionary: A person who has a fondness for wine. A person who has learned to appreciate wine.: The oenophile had a large wine cellar stocked with bottles from around the world.
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