Robert B.Parkerの "Sixkill" を読んでいます。
in-your-face red running shoes was running the stairs of the stadium.
ZはJumbo Nelsonの元用心棒であったZebulon Sixkillの事です。引用文の後半に出て来たランニングシューズの形容詞として使われている "in-your-face" の意味が分かりません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Blatantly aggressive or provocative; impossible to ignore or avoid.: hard-boiled, in-your-face action thrillers
・Collins Dictionary: Someone who has an in-your-face attitude seems determined to behave in a way that is unusual or shocking, and does not care what people think of them.: [informal] It's in-your-face feminism, and it's meant to shock.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: shocking and annoying in a way that is difficult to ignore: dance music that is aggressive, sexy, and in your face
in-your-face red running shoes was running the stairs of the stadium.
ZはJumbo Nelsonの元用心棒であったZebulon Sixkillの事です。引用文の後半に出て来たランニングシューズの形容詞として使われている "in-your-face" の意味が分かりません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: Blatantly aggressive or provocative; impossible to ignore or avoid.: hard-boiled, in-your-face action thrillers
・Collins Dictionary: Someone who has an in-your-face attitude seems determined to behave in a way that is unusual or shocking, and does not care what people think of them.: [informal] It's in-your-face feminism, and it's meant to shock.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: shocking and annoying in a way that is difficult to ignore: dance music that is aggressive, sexy, and in your face