Reader's Digest 6月号のFilm、TV、Booksの紹介記事からの引用です。
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
Milan Carter plays Luke's "guy-in-the-van" techie sidekick, with comedian Fortune Feunster--the true sleeper cell of the show--as a fellow agent.
Each episode ends on a cliffhanger and is as bingeable as the last.
"cliffhanger" は、この後どうなるのだろうと言う終わり方だと推測できますが、"bingeable" はどんな意味でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster: having multiple episodes or parts that can be watched in rapid succession : suitable for binge-watching: The premise of this remarkable new bingeable dramedy doesn't reveal itself until the pilot's halfway mark.
・Word Spy: Compulsively and excessively watchable or consumable, particularly a TV show or food.: Fast-forward another decade, and we're living in a golden age of binge-watching, as streaming video services like Netflix and Hulu Plus replace DVDs as the binger's medium of choice. If you get caught up in "Breaking Bad" (or any number of other bingeable shows), good luck extracting yourself.
・Wiktionary: On which one can binge: Maybe the bingeable series will become television’s preferred mode of storytelling, and maybe it will simply get stranger and stranger until it goes away: The sheer berserkness of “Sense8,” the Wachowski siblings’ globe-trotting Netflix soap opera, suggests that a certain fin de siècle decadence may already be setting in.
最後に引用した辞書の定義で "binge drinking" を思い出しました。
Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
Milan Carter plays Luke's "guy-in-the-van" techie sidekick, with comedian Fortune Feunster--the true sleeper cell of the show--as a fellow agent.
Each episode ends on a cliffhanger and is as bingeable as the last.
"cliffhanger" は、この後どうなるのだろうと言う終わり方だと推測できますが、"bingeable" はどんな意味でしょうか? 辞書を見ます。
・Merriam-Webster: having multiple episodes or parts that can be watched in rapid succession : suitable for binge-watching: The premise of this remarkable new bingeable dramedy doesn't reveal itself until the pilot's halfway mark.
・Word Spy: Compulsively and excessively watchable or consumable, particularly a TV show or food.: Fast-forward another decade, and we're living in a golden age of binge-watching, as streaming video services like Netflix and Hulu Plus replace DVDs as the binger's medium of choice. If you get caught up in "Breaking Bad" (or any number of other bingeable shows), good luck extracting yourself.
・Wiktionary: On which one can binge: Maybe the bingeable series will become television’s preferred mode of storytelling, and maybe it will simply get stranger and stranger until it goes away: The sheer berserkness of “Sense8,” the Wachowski siblings’ globe-trotting Netflix soap opera, suggests that a certain fin de siècle decadence may already be setting in.
最後に引用した辞書の定義で "binge drinking" を思い出しました。