'Stop What You're Doing and Read This!' を読んでいます。
Thinking about it now, I can see that his Jaggers was probably based on a suburban head teacher from one of the schools he taught in; Uncle Pumblechook could have been derived from the strangely pompous shopkeepers and publicans who peopled the hardware stores and cafes of outer London, where we lived in the 1950s.
"1/24/2019" に受動態の "peopled by/peopled with" を取り上げましたが、今回は受動態ではありません。この用法を辞書で確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: [usually passive] to be the people who exist in a place, situation, or period of time: Hunters peopled these forests long ago.: a sparsely peopled area
・Vocabulary.com: fill with people: Stalin wanted to people the empty steppes.
Thinking about it now, I can see that his Jaggers was probably based on a suburban head teacher from one of the schools he taught in; Uncle Pumblechook could have been derived from the strangely pompous shopkeepers and publicans who peopled the hardware stores and cafes of outer London, where we lived in the 1950s.
"1/24/2019" に受動態の "peopled by/peopled with" を取り上げましたが、今回は受動態ではありません。この用法を辞書で確認します。
・Macmillan Dictionary: [usually passive] to be the people who exist in a place, situation, or period of time: Hunters peopled these forests long ago.: a sparsely peopled area
・Vocabulary.com: fill with people: Stalin wanted to people the empty steppes.