短編小説集Ford Countyの中のFish Filesを読んでいます。
Lying naked under thin sheets, he closed his eyes. He inhaled and sniffed the musty oak and leather smell of the old courtroom. He heard the voices of the other lawyers as they bickered importantly over the last-minute details. He saw the judge in his faded black robe sitting low in a massive chair waiting impatiently for papers to sign to dissolve yet another marriage made in heaven.
Then he opened his eyes, and as he watched the slow silent spin of the ceiling fan, and listened to the early-morning sounds of the ocean, Mack Stafford was suddenly and thoroughly consumed with the joys of freedom. He quickly pulled on some gym shorts and ran down the beach to a pier that jutted two hundred feet into the water.
チェインソー事故の犠牲者への補償金をくすねて大金を得た弁護士Mackは、離婚し、弁護士事務所を破産させ、カリビアンに逃げて行きました。さて "was...consumed with the joys of freedom" ですが、"consume" と来ると消費しか思い浮かばないので、ここでの意味がピンときません。辞書を見ます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: (Of a feeling) absorb all of the attention and energy of (someone): Carolyn was consumed with guilt
・Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary: to engage fully: engross: consumed with curiosity
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to have so much of a feeling that it affects everything you do: He was consumed with jealousy.: As a teenager, I was consumed by passion for the boy next door.
なるほど、"consume" のこんな使われ方もあるのですね。
- miner's lettuce 10ヶ月前
- meme 2年前
- head calls 2年前
- cutworm 4年前
- X-ray machine 8年前
- hush puppies 8年前
- Things I Hate 8年前
- fence straddling 9年前
- irrupt 10年前
- ロマネスク収穫 11年前