今日取り上げる単語はReader's Digest 2月号の二つの別々の記事に出てきました。
最初は 'All in a Day's Work' からの引用です。
The restaurant industry can flummox rookies and seasoned pros alike. Consider:
A table ordered a Dr Pepper and a Coke. The server brought their drinks over, then, in front of the customers, took a sip from each drink to see which was which.
次の記事は 'Accidents Moments That Changed History' からの引用です。
He started slipping soldiers across the East River under cover of the night and into the morning, when a heavy fog miraculously descended and continued to conceal his army's movements from the British.
By the time the fog lifted, the British were flummoxed. George Washington's entire army had retreated onto Manhattan, along with all their supplies.
では "flummox" を辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: usually be flummoxed: Perplex (someone) greatly; bewilder.: he was completely flummoxed by the question
・Collins Dictionary: someone is flummoxed by something, they are confused by it and do not know what to do or say.: The two leaders were flummoxed by the suggestion.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to confuse someone so much that they do not know what to do: I have to say that last question flummoxed me.
最初は 'All in a Day's Work' からの引用です。
The restaurant industry can flummox rookies and seasoned pros alike. Consider:
A table ordered a Dr Pepper and a Coke. The server brought their drinks over, then, in front of the customers, took a sip from each drink to see which was which.
次の記事は 'Accidents Moments That Changed History' からの引用です。
He started slipping soldiers across the East River under cover of the night and into the morning, when a heavy fog miraculously descended and continued to conceal his army's movements from the British.
By the time the fog lifted, the British were flummoxed. George Washington's entire army had retreated onto Manhattan, along with all their supplies.
では "flummox" を辞書で調べます。
・Oxford English Dictionary: usually be flummoxed: Perplex (someone) greatly; bewilder.: he was completely flummoxed by the question
・Collins Dictionary: someone is flummoxed by something, they are confused by it and do not know what to do or say.: The two leaders were flummoxed by the suggestion.
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to confuse someone so much that they do not know what to do: I have to say that last question flummoxed me.