毎日Eメールで届くJapan Times Online(主な記事のタイトルとサブキャプションのみの配信)のOct.26号を読んでいると、知っている単語ですが、知らなかった用法・意味で使われている単語がありました。
Entrepreneur touts power to the people as cure for Czech ills
Tomio Okamura -- whose mother is Czech and whose father hails from Niigata Prefecture -- ranks as the third-most-popular politician in the country with an approval rating of 46 percent. That level of popularity is hardly surprising, though, given his near-omnipresence in Czech life.
この "hails from Niigata Prefecture" は新潟出身の意味である事は文脈から容易に分かります。興味の湧く記事なのでWebで全文を読むことにしました。
It is all a far cry from Okamura’s somewhat difficult childhood, which alternated between Japan and what was then Czechoslovakia. Growing up, he encountered discrimination in both countries because of his mixed ethnicity. With his post-college career options in Tokyo -- where he was disparagingly called a gaijin (foreigner) -- consequently limited, he was forced to work as a garbage collector and sell popcorn at a cinema. Okamura says that period has influenced his politics.
全文を読みたい次ぎのURLに記事とTomio Okamura氏の写真が出ています。
さて、"hail" の意味を辞書で確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: intr foll by from to be a native (of); originate (in) ⇒ she hails from India
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to come from or to have been born in a particular place: Joe originally hails from Toronto.
・Vocabulary.com: Hail is when chunks of ice fall from the sky. Also, to hail someone is to greet them or say good things about them. Or it can be a way to tell people of your homeland, as in: "I hail from the Moon."
Entrepreneur touts power to the people as cure for Czech ills
Tomio Okamura -- whose mother is Czech and whose father hails from Niigata Prefecture -- ranks as the third-most-popular politician in the country with an approval rating of 46 percent. That level of popularity is hardly surprising, though, given his near-omnipresence in Czech life.
この "hails from Niigata Prefecture" は新潟出身の意味である事は文脈から容易に分かります。興味の湧く記事なのでWebで全文を読むことにしました。
It is all a far cry from Okamura’s somewhat difficult childhood, which alternated between Japan and what was then Czechoslovakia. Growing up, he encountered discrimination in both countries because of his mixed ethnicity. With his post-college career options in Tokyo -- where he was disparagingly called a gaijin (foreigner) -- consequently limited, he was forced to work as a garbage collector and sell popcorn at a cinema. Okamura says that period has influenced his politics.
全文を読みたい次ぎのURLに記事とTomio Okamura氏の写真が出ています。
さて、"hail" の意味を辞書で確認します。
・Collins Dictionary: intr foll by from to be a native (of); originate (in) ⇒ she hails from India
・Cambridge English Dictionary: to come from or to have been born in a particular place: Joe originally hails from Toronto.
・Vocabulary.com: Hail is when chunks of ice fall from the sky. Also, to hail someone is to greet them or say good things about them. Or it can be a way to tell people of your homeland, as in: "I hail from the Moon."