米国大統領予備選挙のオハイオとテキサス州でクリントン氏が勝利をおさめた直後に聴いたTVニュース(最近は英語ニュースを滅多に聴かないのですが、ABCかCNNのどちらかも忘れました)で、オバマ陣営がクリントン氏の '
kitchen-sink strategy' の為に負けたと言う様な事を耳にしました。 '
kitchen-sink strategy' とは何なのか分からないので言葉のメモだけして置きました。 やっと時間ができたのでWebで色々調べました。 まずニュースを聴かなかった方の為にこの話題の記事を2点紹介します。
Hillary Clinton's '
kitchen-sink' campaign pays off
Before the critical primaries in Ohio and Texas on Tuesday, her campaign had vowed to throw the "
kitchen sink" at Obama to derail the momentum that had led to wins in 11 straight contests.
*Rediff News
Obama blames Clinton's '
kitchen-sink strategy' for defeat
Barack Obama has blamed the '
kitchen-sink strategy' of rival Hillary Clinton for his defeat as his campaign pledged to strike back in the grinding Democratic United Stated presidential race.
どうも '
kitchen-sink strategy/campaign' なる表現はネイティブには常識のようで、どちらの記事もその後の文章を読んでも '
kitchen-sink strategy/campaign' が何の事を示しているのかは判然としません。 そこで辞書を見てみると(今回はOneLook Dictionary Searchを使いました):
kitchen-sink (British & Australian)
kitchen-sink play, film, or style of painting is one which shows ordinary people's lives.
Kitchen-sink drama came into fashion in the 1950s. (always before noun) In his latest work, he is moving away from
kitchen-sink realism towards a more experimental style of painting.
1(chiefly British): portraying or emphasizing the squalid aspects of modern life
2: being or made up of a hodgepodge of disparate elements or ingredients
OneLook Dictionary Searchでは更に普通の辞書とは趣きの変わった
The Word Spyもリストにあり、そのサイトを見ると中々興味のある定義と引用例がありました。
kitchen-sink (KICH.un sink) v. To announce all of a company's bad financial news at one time.
Example Citation:
A) Job cuts and a dividend reduction are thought to have already been factored into the share price. Equity salesmen believe that there is also little that could be said to push the shares higher on the day as the management has already
kitchen-sinked the business and parted with Mariah Carey, one of its most expensive stars.
B) Mr Anderson declined to comment last week on the extent of losses. But analysts said they would include massive write-downs of assets, substantial provisions for future contracts and hefty reorganisation costs. ''There's going to be a lot of
kitchen-sinking in the results and they'll look terrible,'' said Peter Knox of Salomon Brothers.
This verb is based on the idiom everything but the
kitchen sink, which hails from World War II. (Back then it referred to a heavy bombardment in which it appeared the enemy was firing everything but the kitchen sink.) The verb is based on a sensible strategy: If a company must divulge some bad news in its financial results, then it might as well bring all of its fiscal skeletons out of the accounting closet. The reasoning is that although the company's share price may drop a bit more than it otherwise would, it will drop far less than if the company announced each bit of bad news separately.
There's also a second, much rarer, sense for this verb: When arguing or fighting with a partner,
to complain not only about a recent problem, but also about numerous past problems.
kitchen-sink strategyと指摘したのは過去の色々な些細な行動に対してあれこれヒラリー氏が(多分)非難した事を指しているのですね。