第57話. 初タゲリ

2017-11-05 12:39:09 | 花鳥風月




第56話. 秋も本番 遅い選挙のレビューとトランプ氏の来日

2017-11-05 12:29:02 | ★政治 外交 歴史






The article #42. Spiritualism or Atheism, Recommendation to live with clear philosophy (2)

2017-11-05 07:38:59 | Thought Philosophy Spiritual
Hi, this is Kohanbito as Lake man.

This is the 2nd time for this theme. But since this is like a life work type of theme, I would like to continuously write about this theme.

As a summary of the previous one,
1) Atheists should not close their minds to the possibility of existence of God or spirits just for the reason that they are invisible because there are many invisible signals or waves around us for communication purpose and there could be other undiscovered and undetected wavelengths of signals which may be omitted from invisible intellectual existences such as gods or sprits. So, they should not deny such invisible existence of God or spirits easily.
2) Atheists should not close their minds to the possibility of existence of God or spirits because the possibility of it is still 50%. They should not pretend like atheism is major.
3) Atheists tends to use the theory of evolution or Darwinism as their theoretical back ground but their theory are not so trustworthy for the gap of logic and for the fact that the theory is based on very unrealistic and unreasonable imagination. We should calm down and we should see it again with rational eyes and with logical way of thinking.
4) If the majority of people on this planet are proper god believers who see that we are all leaves of god tree and we are all brothers and sisters and we are all children of God and we were born and died many times in the process of reincarnations in order to gain our experiences and our understandings about this universe and about ourselves and about God. Then since they see each other as children of God and brothers and sisters each other, they care and respect and be kind to each other and they will be shame on themselves if they think something bad in their minds because they think what they think in their mind can be seen by Gods or spirits, so, those god believers are people we can trust. If the world is full of such nice people, this world will be safer and nicer place to live. And you can trust such world and many parents of kids will prefer to let their kinds to stay in such world.
5) This world seems does not function if we deny the existence of gods and spirits, Especially God believers and spiritualists tend to take Laws or morals more serious because they see God’s will behind moral or laws but atheists see no value in moral and laws. So they do not follow moral or laws if no one watch them. So, there is not much dignity and sense of requirements in laws and moral if majority of people in society are atheists. Our world seems better with god believers.
So, I recommend atheists to recognize and accept that the world with proper god believers make the world nicer and safer and better place to live. So we recommend all atheists to become proper god believers and would like to ask them to start to live with such conscious that we are all children of God so that we all need to love and respect and care each other and we also need to live with conscious that we are existence who live many times in reincarnation in order to gain understanding about this world and get closer to God. I said that in the previous one.

This time also, I would like to add some comments to the funny parts of 3) theory of evolution which tends to be the theoretical back ground of atheists.

■Can the life be born just by themselves while no living being were around?
Even in the previous article #37, I mentioned that how the first organic existence or first living being can be appeared when world was full of rocks which were cooled magma and no mold around. Now, many of us believe that first microbe appeared in the sea, and gradually those were evolved into more complicated beings in time, and finally it became mankind. But, to me, that theory sounds so unreasonable and there should be leap in logic. I still wonder how organic beings or any living creatures can be appeared from rocks or any inorganic substances when there are no molds around. If that is possible, that is a pure magic which God can only realize. I questioned that way. And theory of evolution says new species can be appeared by mutation but mutation is basically rare so that it is hard to make off spring. And basically mutation is minor change so that it is really hard to imagine to break the wall of species by that. So, to me, it is like a bad joke. And hard to accept.
Basically, if this planet earth was full of magma, so heated, and no mold or any organics were there, then how the first one can be appeared?? That is still question to me. If there is no such organics of mold or microbe around, then, there should be no organics of mold or microbe even later. They cannot be born from rocks or inorganics. If the scientists say that is possible to be happened, then scientists who only admit the scientific truth when the truth can be realized in the lab repeatedly should realize the ancient condition of this planet earth in the lab, heat everything first, and block any mold to come in, they should realize the condition of first appearance of organics or amino acids or any living beings in that lab by applying voltage or radioactive or any beams from far ultra violet to infrared. If they cannot do such experiments and if they cannot prove to realize first appearance of organics or amino acids or any living beings in that lab, then they should not say that first organics or amino acids can be appeared in the sea by accidents is true until they realize it in the lab. They should stop saying first microbe appeared in the sea and gradually those were evolved into more complicated beings and it became mankind. That should stop saying so like obvious truth since they cannot prove it in the lab.
If they want to be considered that they are fair people, then they should say, “Regarding the birth of any life in this planet, we know nothing about it and we cannot deny God’s creation is one of the answers at this moment.”

■Two possibilities
If we exclude the God’s creation as one of reasons why and how the first organic or first living being were born in this planet, then I think there are two choices for the reason.
First possibility is, after the environment of this planet becomes appropriate for living creatures like air or proper temperature are provided, if some meteorites from universe consists of some living creatures inside were fallen from universe to this earth, and then those creatures can be proliferated on this planet. That is one possibility. The second possibility is, by the radioactive from universe or by the sun lights or by high voltage from thunder lights or by the magnetic power of this earth, chemical reactions to inorganic substances may happen and change it to organic substances.

But even if the first one was the truth, it will not explain how organic or first living being were born in universe, so that, to find out how first organics and first living beings were born in this earth, we better think about the 2nd possibility.
Like I said above, if the scientists want to say that organics or living creatures were born from inorganics substances as the results of chemical reactions which were caused by radioactive from universe or by the sun lights or by high voltage from thunder lights or by the magnetic power of this earth, then scientists should realize the condition of ancient planet earth in the laboratory, and they should apply radioactive or high voltage or high magnets or any lights from infrared to super ultra violet to the inorganic substances in order to find out 2nd possibility is true or not. And until scientists realize to create organic substance or living creatures from inorganic materials, scientists should not say like hypothesis of evolution which is like first microbe appeared in the sea and gradually those were evolved into more complicated beings and it became mankind. They should not say that until they prove it in the lab.
Before, Stanley Lloyd Miller of University of Chicago tried to prove in the experimentation in the lab that amino acid can be made by applying high voltage to some gasses such as H2 & CH4 & ammonia because his team thought that ancient Earth were full of those gases. And he succeeded to create Amino acid from those gassed by applying high voltage to those. But after NASA brought stones from the moon, some scientists studied it and concluded that the condition of ancient Earth was full of magma and gasses that ancient Earth had were N2 & CO2 & water vapor which we can find out in Volcanic gas. From that, we found that the experiment result of Stanley Lloyd Miller were not simulation of the condition of ancient planet Earth and it was concluded that his experimentation cannot prove that organic material such as amino acid can be created by accident of nature such as thunder light. So, so far no one has succeeded to prove that organic material can be made in nature by accident such as thunder light in experiments in lab.
Even if scientists could succeed to make simple organic material such as amino acid, that is not enough. Scientist should prove that amino acid become simple microbe which can move by himself as his will. They should prove that such evolution can be done by accidents in nature in the experimentations in lab. That will becomes the evidence of the origin of life and Darwinism. But if they cannot do it, they should not treat the story of the origin of life or evolution or Darwinism as fixed unbreakable truth. They should not say that microbe suddenly appears in the sea and those were evolved to more complex being like human by accidents. Instead, they should say such hypothesis of evolution were not so reliable enough and far from truth. And origin of life is more likely to be done by God’s creation. Scientists should behave fair to the fact. If they cannot prove it in their lab, then they should not claim it is true. They should not talk like microbe were appeared in the sea by accident were proven truth and they should not talk like we humans were result of evolution from simple microbe by accidents. Darwinism and story of evolution could be just a propaganda.

In the previous article, I said that one of possible answers to the question why DNA in humans and other animals were similar might be the possibilities that mankind in unrecorded ancient eras could have higher genetic engineering capacity and they could create some new species by using that technologies and they may evolved more complex being from much simpler beings. I said that that could be one of possible scenarios. Or ET who also has higher genetic engineering capacity could do the same. That is another option. But we may also be able to think that God also may create complex beings by using genetic engineering from simpler beings. God may did it in time little by little. That is also possible scenario.
But anyway, DNA, Gene is a program. And such program cannot be written by accident in nature. It should have been designed by someone. If those program were written by accident in nature, then it has to be changed or rewritten so easily by another accidents in nature. But it does not happen. DNA is tough program and it cannot be changed so easily even though we were surrounded by some strong voltages or radio actives or magnetics or different temperatures. I am myself all the time until I die. So as you. The given character lasts till you die. Then we start to wonder who can make such tough and robust program to us. Isn’t he what we call “God”? That is my question. I assume I am not the only one who think that way.

■Changing form to adjust to the environment changes
There is a TV program that shows natures and animals in Japanese national TV channel. But I feel funny when I am watching their program.
According to the narrator of the program, there are some unique animals who succeed to capture unique features or unique functions strategically in order to survive in tough environments. It sounds like those animals has magical power to get those new functions or colors or whatever if they desires those strongly. Changing reality by desiring something in mind strongly sounds same as the popular theory that Spiritualists learns on the 1st page of the text book of self-realization theory. They understand that such an ability is the most powerful power that all mankind were gifted by God. Because we are all children of God, we have such a power. Since animals are also created by God, there is no surprise even if animals have such power of mind to create reality.
Even though the title of this program is about Darwin, the editor of this program may have similar way of thinking as Wallace who is the friend of Darwin but who had a spiritual view point.
Anyway, as a conclusion, there is no doubt that this world does not go well if you deny the existence of God or spiritual world.
Even from now on, I will share with you about the how the life should be with such spiritual way of thinking. Until then, see you next time.

Kohanbito as lake man