Guy Rundleによって2010年の12月に書かれた記事の一部を紹介したい。
Did he or didn't he? The murky politics of sex and consent
一部コピーしたのだが、[The Beauty Myth] のNaomi Wolf さんは第三次ラディカル・フェミニストの代表、国際警察にArdinが今まで付き合った全ての一時的なBoy friend を逮捕しなさいといい、また同じくNaomi Kleinは、女性の権利がアフガニスタン戦争を強化するのに利用された事と同じようにレイプの告訴は利用されていると言及した。
このお二人とも優れた作家でありジャーナリストであり活動家である。「美の神話」の本も「The Shock Doctrine」もベストセラーである。このお二人の女性たちとその出版された本にしばし目を通すと、かなり本質的な面が似ている。Naomi Kleinさんの映像(講演)もいくつかUPされている。
Kleinさんには「ブランドなんかいらない」の本があり、またAddicted riskの講演が聴ける。ジーンズ姿の講演はcivilization commits suicideと手厳しい。Occupy Wall stの占拠メンバーとのトークもある。Twitterもやっているので、さっそくFOLLOWERになった!
優れた女性ジャーナリスト、作家、批評家、研究者に刺激をもらった。ありがとう!私もがんばろう!時代の核心を社会の核心を突く批評を書いている。そこが凄い!「The Beauty Myth」にしても美の市場価値によって女性たちが囚われ抑圧されている現状を見据えている。
By the time that came around, the scepticism directed at Ardin and Wilen was no longer confined to the masculinist world of hacking. The event was provoking a full-scale debate within feminism. Naomi Wolf, author of The Beauty Myth, wrote a satirical piece asking Interpol to arrest every jerk boyfriend she'd ever had, and Naomi Klein remarked that rape accusations were being used in the same way as women's rights were used to power the Afghan war, while the Swedish group Women Against Rape questioned why this case was getting such fast-track attention.
That contradiction was brought to the fore by the suspicion that a right-wing Swedish government, desirous of ending its decades-long neutrality policy, was using the case to detain Assange long enough for extradition to be served. The timing of the warrants - matching key moments in the ''cablegate'' releases, and the involvement of heavy hitters such as Borgstrom in the mix - suggest to many that the women's inquiries, which were never made as charges, have been taken over. Borgstrom told reporters asking about this that the women ''aren't jurists. They don't know what rape is.''
Given that Ardin has written a gender equality manual that is still on the Uppsala University website, one has some doubts. Is it possible that the women are being strong-armed into continuing the case? Ardin's recent tweets include expressions of support for WikiLeaks in its battles with PayPal etc, suggesting she's no Hedda Gabler. But they also have a reference to Bjasta, a town that celebrated a boy who'd raped two local girls who were then shunned.
Wilen has disappeared from sight completely. And conspiracy theories flourish on the wilder shores of the Baltic. Did Ardin charge a student with sexual discrimination for ''not looking at me'' while she was giving a lecture? Should we pay attention to her background among right-wing Cuban exiles, her stint in Washington, DC, the military side of her family, her cousin Mattias being a very senior liaison officer between NATO and Swedish forces in Afghanistan?
What of Assange? If we don't assess him as any less likely to force sex, by virtue of his leftish politics, do we have the right to go the other way and ponder the deep strain of masculism that runs through his blog/manifesto IQ.ORG - where he effectively dismisses the possibility of women being capable of performing the sort of maths necessary for WikiLeaks-level hacking? We don't know. We're still holding our breath, waiting to see what is said in that faux Scandinavian court next week, while day by day the remorseless drip of cables changes the state, the public and information in the 21st century.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/did-he-or-didnt-he-the-murky-politics-of-sex-and-consent-20101211-18tie.html#ixzz1wkDQEr6d
Guy Rundleによって2010年の12月に書かれた記事の一部を紹介したい。
Did he or didn't he? The murky politics of sex and consent
一部コピーしたのだが、[The Beauty Myth] のNaomi Wolf さんは第三次ラディカル・フェミニストの代表、国際警察にArdinが今まで付き合った全ての一時的なBoy friend を逮捕しなさいといい、また同じくNaomi Kleinは、女性の権利がアフガニスタン戦争を強化するのに利用された事と同じようにレイプの告訴は利用されていると言及した。
このお二人とも優れた作家でありジャーナリストであり活動家である。「美の神話」の本も「The Shock Doctrine」もベストセラーである。このお二人の女性たちとその出版された本にしばし目を通すと、かなり本質的な面が似ている。Naomi Kleinさんの映像(講演)もいくつかUPされている。
Kleinさんには「ブランドなんかいらない」の本があり、またAddicted riskの講演が聴ける。ジーンズ姿の講演はcivilization commits suicideと手厳しい。Occupy Wall stの占拠メンバーとのトークもある。Twitterもやっているので、さっそくFOLLOWERになった!
優れた女性ジャーナリスト、作家、批評家、研究者に刺激をもらった。ありがとう!私もがんばろう!時代の核心を社会の核心を突く批評を書いている。そこが凄い!「The Beauty Myth」にしても美の市場価値によって女性たちが囚われ抑圧されている現状を見据えている。
By the time that came around, the scepticism directed at Ardin and Wilen was no longer confined to the masculinist world of hacking. The event was provoking a full-scale debate within feminism. Naomi Wolf, author of The Beauty Myth, wrote a satirical piece asking Interpol to arrest every jerk boyfriend she'd ever had, and Naomi Klein remarked that rape accusations were being used in the same way as women's rights were used to power the Afghan war, while the Swedish group Women Against Rape questioned why this case was getting such fast-track attention.
That contradiction was brought to the fore by the suspicion that a right-wing Swedish government, desirous of ending its decades-long neutrality policy, was using the case to detain Assange long enough for extradition to be served. The timing of the warrants - matching key moments in the ''cablegate'' releases, and the involvement of heavy hitters such as Borgstrom in the mix - suggest to many that the women's inquiries, which were never made as charges, have been taken over. Borgstrom told reporters asking about this that the women ''aren't jurists. They don't know what rape is.''
Given that Ardin has written a gender equality manual that is still on the Uppsala University website, one has some doubts. Is it possible that the women are being strong-armed into continuing the case? Ardin's recent tweets include expressions of support for WikiLeaks in its battles with PayPal etc, suggesting she's no Hedda Gabler. But they also have a reference to Bjasta, a town that celebrated a boy who'd raped two local girls who were then shunned.
Wilen has disappeared from sight completely. And conspiracy theories flourish on the wilder shores of the Baltic. Did Ardin charge a student with sexual discrimination for ''not looking at me'' while she was giving a lecture? Should we pay attention to her background among right-wing Cuban exiles, her stint in Washington, DC, the military side of her family, her cousin Mattias being a very senior liaison officer between NATO and Swedish forces in Afghanistan?
What of Assange? If we don't assess him as any less likely to force sex, by virtue of his leftish politics, do we have the right to go the other way and ponder the deep strain of masculism that runs through his blog/manifesto IQ.ORG - where he effectively dismisses the possibility of women being capable of performing the sort of maths necessary for WikiLeaks-level hacking? We don't know. We're still holding our breath, waiting to see what is said in that faux Scandinavian court next week, while day by day the remorseless drip of cables changes the state, the public and information in the 21st century.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/did-he-or-didnt-he-the-murky-politics-of-sex-and-consent-20101211-18tie.html#ixzz1wkDQEr6d