送られてきたZnetのエッセイThe Iraq War Logsを全てここにUPするつもりだったが、全文で20992字あり、10000字のルールにそぐわずUPできなかった。WikiLeakesが400000件のイラク戦争に関する諜報情報をUPしたのである。その件に関してサイトを訪れるとビデオが見れる。その中身が文字化されているのである。
かいつまんで要約すると、WikiLeaksの創設者Julian Assangeに対してアメリカがイギリス、ドイツ、オーストリアなど他の西欧各国にcriminal investigationsを要求しまた氏の渡航制限まで要求しているという。つまり犯罪者として法によって裁かれるような政治的圧力がありえること、また自由な献金のシステムがそれらの国々で妨害されることも含め、国家権力が動いていること。すでにアフガニスタンで米軍ヘリが無垢な市民を殺害するビデオを放映したことで、5月に検挙拘束されている男性(Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning)がいること。彼に対してベトナム戦争の政府の犯罪をリークした男性(Dan Ellsberg)がDemocracy Now!の番組に登場して、彼を称賛することばを送っている。少しでも戦争で流れる血を少なくするためにとーーー。彼の行為は、勇敢だとエールを送っている。If there's any chance of shortening the war, it's worth a person's life.
JUAN GONZALEZ: But what about that policy, given the fact that President Obama came into office talking about a more transparent and open government and appears to be going in the opposite direction?(オバマ大統領はもっと透明で拓かれた政府と公言したのだが、反対の方向へ行っているように見えるが?)
DANIEL ELLSBERG: Well, that promise has gone the way of his promise to close Guantánamo and a number of other promises. In no way, in the general defense and homeland security area, is he less opaque, more transparent, than Bush. And as I say, he’s being even more aggressive in pursuing prosecution.(その約束はグワンタモの閉鎖や他の公約同様、国の防禦や安全に関する事項も含め全くブッシュよりも不透明だ。起訴/遂行に関しても、もっと攻撃的だ)
One other aspect of that is that—my understanding—is that the impression he’s giving that he’s ending the war in Iraq, or that it has ended even, the war described by these 400,000 documents, is, I think, a conscious lie. I think it’s as much of a lie as Lyndon Johnson’s, when I was working for him and he underestimated for the public the scale and the duration of the war we were getting into. I’ll predict, without having seen these documents—I will make a bet here, I’ll stick my neck out—that there’s no hint in those 400,000 documents, which go up into this year, that President Barack Obama intends to remove our bases from Iraq, next year or the year after or any time in his term. I’ll bet there isn’t even a contingency plan for turning over those bases to Iraqis. And that means that rather than doing what he’s promised, which is to get all American troops out by the end of next year, I think there will be tens of thousands there whenever he leaves office, whether it’s in 2013 or four years after that.(イラク戦争を終わらせると云う約束もこれらの40万件のドキュメントから見ると嘘だね。ジョンソンの時よりたちが悪い嘘だ。オバマが軍隊を引き揚げ、基地をイラク人に引き渡すことはありえないね。アメリカ軍がイラクから撤退することは2013年も4年後もありえない)
AMY GOODMAN: And we should say you were a high-level—you were a high-level Pentagon official working for the RAND Corporation.(ペンタゴンの高級官僚だったね)
DANIEL ELLSBERG: That’s right. I spent years keeping—I worked for the Pentagon and the State Department. I spent years keeping my mouth shut as presidents lied to us and kept these secrets. I shouldn’t have done that. And that’s why I admire someone even who’s accused, like Bradley Manning, if he is the source, or whoever the source was, of actually risking their own personal freedom in order to tell the truth. I think they’re being better citizens and showing their patriotism in a better way than when they keep their mouths shut.(大統領が嘘をついていた時、口を閉ざしていた。だからたとえ責められても真実の情報を命をかけて表に出す人間を尊敬するね。秘密に口を閉ざすよりもっと愛国心のあるよき市民だよ)
courage is contagious! ourage is contagious! courage is contagious!
Love is contagious! Love is contagious! Love is contagious!
と唱えたい!WikiLeaksの創始者Julian Assangeは超魅力的な男だ!
かいつまんで要約すると、WikiLeaksの創設者Julian Assangeに対してアメリカがイギリス、ドイツ、オーストリアなど他の西欧各国にcriminal investigationsを要求しまた氏の渡航制限まで要求しているという。つまり犯罪者として法によって裁かれるような政治的圧力がありえること、また自由な献金のシステムがそれらの国々で妨害されることも含め、国家権力が動いていること。すでにアフガニスタンで米軍ヘリが無垢な市民を殺害するビデオを放映したことで、5月に検挙拘束されている男性(Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning)がいること。彼に対してベトナム戦争の政府の犯罪をリークした男性(Dan Ellsberg)がDemocracy Now!の番組に登場して、彼を称賛することばを送っている。少しでも戦争で流れる血を少なくするためにとーーー。彼の行為は、勇敢だとエールを送っている。If there's any chance of shortening the war, it's worth a person's life.
JUAN GONZALEZ: But what about that policy, given the fact that President Obama came into office talking about a more transparent and open government and appears to be going in the opposite direction?(オバマ大統領はもっと透明で拓かれた政府と公言したのだが、反対の方向へ行っているように見えるが?)
DANIEL ELLSBERG: Well, that promise has gone the way of his promise to close Guantánamo and a number of other promises. In no way, in the general defense and homeland security area, is he less opaque, more transparent, than Bush. And as I say, he’s being even more aggressive in pursuing prosecution.(その約束はグワンタモの閉鎖や他の公約同様、国の防禦や安全に関する事項も含め全くブッシュよりも不透明だ。起訴/遂行に関しても、もっと攻撃的だ)
One other aspect of that is that—my understanding—is that the impression he’s giving that he’s ending the war in Iraq, or that it has ended even, the war described by these 400,000 documents, is, I think, a conscious lie. I think it’s as much of a lie as Lyndon Johnson’s, when I was working for him and he underestimated for the public the scale and the duration of the war we were getting into. I’ll predict, without having seen these documents—I will make a bet here, I’ll stick my neck out—that there’s no hint in those 400,000 documents, which go up into this year, that President Barack Obama intends to remove our bases from Iraq, next year or the year after or any time in his term. I’ll bet there isn’t even a contingency plan for turning over those bases to Iraqis. And that means that rather than doing what he’s promised, which is to get all American troops out by the end of next year, I think there will be tens of thousands there whenever he leaves office, whether it’s in 2013 or four years after that.(イラク戦争を終わらせると云う約束もこれらの40万件のドキュメントから見ると嘘だね。ジョンソンの時よりたちが悪い嘘だ。オバマが軍隊を引き揚げ、基地をイラク人に引き渡すことはありえないね。アメリカ軍がイラクから撤退することは2013年も4年後もありえない)
AMY GOODMAN: And we should say you were a high-level—you were a high-level Pentagon official working for the RAND Corporation.(ペンタゴンの高級官僚だったね)
DANIEL ELLSBERG: That’s right. I spent years keeping—I worked for the Pentagon and the State Department. I spent years keeping my mouth shut as presidents lied to us and kept these secrets. I shouldn’t have done that. And that’s why I admire someone even who’s accused, like Bradley Manning, if he is the source, or whoever the source was, of actually risking their own personal freedom in order to tell the truth. I think they’re being better citizens and showing their patriotism in a better way than when they keep their mouths shut.(大統領が嘘をついていた時、口を閉ざしていた。だからたとえ責められても真実の情報を命をかけて表に出す人間を尊敬するね。秘密に口を閉ざすよりもっと愛国心のあるよき市民だよ)
courage is contagious! ourage is contagious! courage is contagious!
Love is contagious! Love is contagious! Love is contagious!
と唱えたい!WikiLeaksの創始者Julian Assangeは超魅力的な男だ!