


2020-06-29 20:32:30 | Newsメモ



BBC Why Trump's plan to withdraw US troops has dismayed Germany 17 Jun 2020 By Jenny Hill

For the people of Grafenwoehr, Elvis will always be the king.

In 1958, stationed as a young American soldier in Germany, the singer gave a concert here which remains the stuff of legend. Two years ago, the Bavarian town - which is home to the largest US military training base outside America - even held an anniversary party.

US President Donald Trump had, reportedly, just ordered officials to evaluate the cost and the consequences of removing American troops from German soil.


So, earlier this week, when, after a week of reports and rumours, the US president confirmed plans to pull 9,500 soldiers out of Germany, many in Berlin were dismayed but few were surprised.

And Germany's foreign minister, Heiko Maas, has confirmed that his government had received no detailed information about the US plan.

The timing has intrigued some. The popular rumour in Berlin is that President Trump is punishing Mrs Merkel who, by refusing to attend a planned G7 summit in Washington over concerns about the coronavirus pandemic, effectively scuppered the event.

Two questions dominate. What impact would troop withdrawal have? And does Mr Trump really mean it?
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