


2023-03-27 22:08:50 | Newsメモ
 1000エーカーほどの農地と4000エーカーほどのnature siteというのは未利用荒地かな、これをrewildしてみたところ、2019年から2022年にかけて植生の指数がざっと2倍に改善したのだと。

BBC Wild Ken Hill rewilding project boosts plant diversity - report 28 Feb 2023

A conservation project that hosted the BBC's The Watches has boosted plant diversity, a report said.

According to the study, the average number of different plants in sampled areas roughly doubled at Wild Ken Hill in west Norfolk from 2019 to 2022.

About 1,000 acres of poor quality farmland and some woodland at the 4,000-acre nature site in Snettisham were "rewilded" in 2019.

The vegetation survey, which was carried out in 2019 and repeated in 2022 by ecologist Graeme Lyons, shows the average number of plants in sampled plots roughly doubled from 16.8 to 33.2.


Project manager Dominic Buscall said: "There is a popular misconception that rewilding is simply about species reintroductions, afforestation, or bringing back specific species like beavers.

"But the truth couldn't be more different at Wild Ken Hill.

"The very fabric of the ecosystem is being restored from the ground up in a science-based, nature-led, and low-cost manner, benefiting the full suite of species, from plants and invertebrates to birds and mammals."



BBC Nature in danger as mountain forest loss quickens 18 Mar 2023 By Maddie Molloy

Mountain forests are disappearing at an alarming rate, threatening nature in some of the planet's most biologically rich areas, warn scientists.

More than 7% of mountain forests have vanished since 2000, an area larger than Texas, researchers have discovered from studying satellite data.

Much of that loss was in tropical areas that are key nature habitats, putting threatened species in greater danger.

Logging and wildfires caused most of the loss, followed by agriculture.

We are losing mountain forests more quickly than before, they noted, with the speed of loss accelerating by 50% between 2010 and 2018 compared with the period between 2001 and 2009.

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