


2023-09-03 20:32:31 | Weblog

BBC Four sons set out on a perilous migration route. Only one came home 3 Sep 2023 By Joel Gunter


Adama and Moussa Sarr had lost track of the exact number of days they had been at sea.

The brothers were drifting somewhere off the coast of West Africa, in a traditional Senegalese fishing canoe known as a pirogue. They were two of 39 passengers in total - all malnourished, many close to death.

When a fishing vessel appeared in the distance one day, Adama, 21, was so weak he could only stare, he said. Moussa, 17, slipped into the water to swim.

He would almost certainly have drowned, had the fishing crew not spotted him in the water and plucked him to safety.

When they drew alongside the pirogue, they found Adama and the rest of the survivors and seven bodies. The pirogue had set out from Senegal five weeks earlier, with 101 souls on board.



Unlike the Mediterranean, there are no patrols on the North Atlantic route - no-one proactively searching for lost or distressed boats. It is easy to founder without being seen. If you miss the Canaries, or Cape Verde, you can drift into the Atlantic and disappear.

 そんなに遠洋漁業に適した船でもなかろうよ。なので、たぶん相当数がそのまま大西洋に消えている。2020年1月以来、68000人がCanary Islandsに届いているそうだが、まあ2700名くらいかな死者・行方不明者はというのが国際機関の見立て。しかしそれは、認知された限りの数字じゃねえかなあ、というのが…恐らく統計採ってる当人達にも自明なものかと。

On the pirogue, the four men from the family stuck together, but they were growing weaker and weaker. The eldest cousin, Pape, died first, Adama said. "Before he passed, he said, 'If death must happen, I wish that I die and you three survive'."

Then Adama's younger cousin, Amsoutou, disappeared. One morning they woke up and Amsoutou was simply gone.

Adama and Moussa hung on, sipping seawater and baking under the sun. Each night they looked for lights from the Canary Islands but the lights never appeared.

"Macky Sall sold the ocean," said Assane Niang, a 23-year-old fishing captain, referring to the Senegalese president. Fishermen in Fass Boye say the government has granted too many licences to foreign trawlers, which overfish their waters and deplete the catch.

 なんでこんなざまか。Machy Sallが海を売ったんだという。政府が遠洋漁業の権利を外国の会社に売り払い、それらが漁獲しすぎて漁業自体を破壊している、というわけだ。

According to the International Organisation for Migration, about 68,000 people have successfully reached the Canary Islands by boat from West Africa since January 2020 and about 2,700 have been recorded dead or disappeared. But the number of casualties is likely significantly higher, because fatal accidents are more likely to go unrecorded on this route.


 肥え太るのは違法移民業者くらいだろうか。かなり詰んでるな、これ…? という、そんな記事。
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