


2024-10-01 00:08:01 | Newsメモ

Sudan is at breaking point.

BBC 'Rape me, not my daughter' - women tell BBC of sexual violence in Sudan's civil war 3 days ago

Barbara Plett Usher


An instant porridge has been withdrawn from sale in South Africa after three young children died reportedly after eating it.

BBC Porridge recalled after three children die in South Africa 4 hours ago

Danai Nesta Kupemba

The three children were from two families in the Eastern Cape province. A fourth child aged seven also reportedly fell ill after eating the porridge but was discharged from the hospital over the weekend.

The children were said to have eaten the vanilla-flavoured porridge, but all flavours have been removed.



Zimbabwe's central bank has devalued its gold-backed currency by over 40% against the US dollar, indicating that the last ditch effort to stabilise the country's volatile economy, is in trouble.

BBC Zimbabwe knocks 40% off value of gold-backed currency 3 days ago

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) made the decision to slash the local exchange rate to 24 Zig to $1 (£0.75) on Friday.

This slump is due to an increase in demand for the US dollar, which is also legal tender. It comes after warnings from by large retailers of store closures if the rate remained fixed at the previous level.

The Zig, which stands for Zimbabwe Gold, was launched over six months ago and is the country's sixth currency in 25 years.


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