BBC Kenya cult deaths rise to 211 as exhumation resumes 17 Mar 2023 By David Wafula
「Ten more bodies have been recovered in the Kenya’s coastal forest where people are reported to have been made to starve to death after joining a doomsday cult.
This brings to 211 the number of bodies recovered as the police continue investigating the deaths.
After a two-day break, the exhumation process in the vast Shakahola forest continued on Tuesday.」
「Three members of the religious cult were rescued in a critical condition after starving in the forest and were taken to hospital for stabilisation.」
「Those reported missing at the tracing centres remain at 610.」
とにかく、610名ほど行方不明だそうで―つまり単純計算であと400体ほどあるんだな? 地獄的な状況である。
BBC Kenya cult deaths rise to 211 as exhumation resumes 17 Mar 2023 By David Wafula
「Ten more bodies have been recovered in the Kenya’s coastal forest where people are reported to have been made to starve to death after joining a doomsday cult.
This brings to 211 the number of bodies recovered as the police continue investigating the deaths.
After a two-day break, the exhumation process in the vast Shakahola forest continued on Tuesday.」
「Three members of the religious cult were rescued in a critical condition after starving in the forest and were taken to hospital for stabilisation.」
「Those reported missing at the tracing centres remain at 610.」
とにかく、610名ほど行方不明だそうで―つまり単純計算であと400体ほどあるんだな? 地獄的な状況である。