


2019-07-08 22:23:59 | Newsメモ

BBC Migrant crisis: EU to take people rescued by Alan Kurdi ship 7 July 2019

Malta has allowed a group of 65 migrants rescued off Libya to disembark on its territory after picking them up from a rescue ship.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said after talks with the European Commission and German government that all 65 would be relocated to other parts of the EU.

 ドイツは一部引取りの以降のご様子。 「German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has said his country will take up to 40 of the migrants from the two vessels.


The Maltese announcement came hours after the crew of the Alan Kurdi said three migrants on board had collapsed and were in need of urgent medical assistance.

Sea-Eye called on EU leaders to find a more permanent solution to the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean.


Its captain, Carola Rackete, was arrested and accused of endangering the lives of police and trying to sink their boat.

A judge ordered her freed, though she still faces separate charges of aiding people-smugglers and resisting authorities.


He accuses humanitarian groups operating in the Mediterranean of encouraging North African smuggling routes.

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