


2020-12-06 21:33:02 | Newsメモ
 一時は「South Korea is viewed as one of the world's coronavirus success stories for its management of the disease.」と、世界で最も対応に成功した国とまで評されたのではあるが、8月ころのアレな状況から延々とボディブローを受け続け、結局そんな成功も灰燼に帰する方向の様子。

BBC South Korea tightens Covid-19 curbs amid warning of new 'crisis' 19 Aug 2020


Museums, nightclubs and karaoke bars have closed in and around South Korea's capital, Seoul, as Covid-19 cases reach a five-month high.

The country reported another 297 new cases on Wednesday - the highest daily figure since March.


Domestic media has also shown footage of church members shouting and swearing at virus contact tracers. It seems some of them believe that this is part of a conspiracy to close the right wing church, which is highly critical of President Moon's administration. They are also reluctant to comply with quarantine orders or get a test.


 …「this is part of a conspiracy to close the right wing church」とあり、Covid-19なんてな、反政府右派の教会を弾圧するための陰謀だろう!と頑張っちゃってる人たちがいるようで―…。



BBC South Korea church coronavirus cluster causes alarm 17 Aug 2020

There has been considerable anger against the church, with more than 200,000 people signing an online petition calling for lead pastor Rev Jun Kwang-hoon to be detained, said Yonhap.


BBC Covid: South Korea raises alert level amid spike in cases 10 minutes ago


South Korea is raising its Covid-19 alert levels, as it battles a rise in infections.

Gatherings of more than 50 will be banned in the capital Seoul and surrounding areas from Tuesday, while gyms and karaoke bars be closed.

On Sunday 631 new infections were reported in one day, the highest number in nine months.


The country was widely praised for its virus response earlier this year, with aggressive testing and contact tracing.

But the authorities have struggled in recent weeks. The number of active cases in South Korea now stands at 7,873, and there are concerns about rising numbers in hospitals.

There have now been 37,546 cases in total, and 545 deaths.

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