なにやらal Shababを40名ほど殺害したという、治安維持側としては景気のいい話がでていた。
BBC Somalia kills 40 militants in occupied territory - government 3 Dec 2022 By Mercy Juma
「The Somali government says its forces have killed about 40 al-Shabab militants in the Middle Shabelle region.」
「In a statement the government said this was the latest offensive aimed at removing the militants from the territory they have been holding.」
「On Sunday the militants attacked the Villa Rose Guest hotel, near the presidential palace in the capital Mogadishu, killing nine people」
ここ40年で最悪の旱魃に見舞われているなかで、al Shababは食糧援助等々の輸送の阻害になっており、まさしく可及的速やかに打破せねばならぬのだ―という理屈は、それはそれで尤も。
「Somalia is experiencing its worst drought in 40 years.
Officials say al-Shabab's restrictions on deliveries of international aid in areas it is controlling has left thousands on the brink of famine.」
BBC Andrew Mitchell warns large numbers in Somalia could die 3 Nov 2022 By James Landale
「Development Minister Andrew Mitchell has told the BBC "large numbers of people are in danger of dying" in Somalia if the international community does not give the drought-ridden country more help.」
「Mr Mitchell said it was "unacceptable" that the world was "neglecting people who are dying in the Horn of Africa" because so much aid money had been diverted to Ukraine. 」
「He insisted Britain was showing leadership by tackling both issues at the same time despite cuts to the UK foreign aid budget.」
「He revealed he was setting up a new joint committee with the Treasury to scrutinise aid spending across government.」
「Hamdi Mohamud, 18, goes to a school here that's been supported by British aid. "Sometimes I go to sleep hungry and sometimes I cannot buy the exercise books I need for school," she told us.
"But I motivate myself. I tell myself that some day things will not be like this, and in the future I will be a very important person and help my people."」
「International experts are expected to decide shortly if Somalia has met the strict conditions needed to declare an official famine.」
「Mr Mitchell arrived in great secrecy and security because of the threat from al-Shabab, Islamist militants who control much of Somalia.
He said the devastating drought - brought on by the failure of four consecutive rainy seasons - meant "the resilience of the population is low". There were now, he said, "a million children who are profoundly malnourished".」
BBC Somalia kills 40 militants in occupied territory - government 3 Dec 2022 By Mercy Juma
「The Somali government says its forces have killed about 40 al-Shabab militants in the Middle Shabelle region.」
「In a statement the government said this was the latest offensive aimed at removing the militants from the territory they have been holding.」
「On Sunday the militants attacked the Villa Rose Guest hotel, near the presidential palace in the capital Mogadishu, killing nine people」
ここ40年で最悪の旱魃に見舞われているなかで、al Shababは食糧援助等々の輸送の阻害になっており、まさしく可及的速やかに打破せねばならぬのだ―という理屈は、それはそれで尤も。
「Somalia is experiencing its worst drought in 40 years.
Officials say al-Shabab's restrictions on deliveries of international aid in areas it is controlling has left thousands on the brink of famine.」
BBC Andrew Mitchell warns large numbers in Somalia could die 3 Nov 2022 By James Landale
「Development Minister Andrew Mitchell has told the BBC "large numbers of people are in danger of dying" in Somalia if the international community does not give the drought-ridden country more help.」
「Mr Mitchell said it was "unacceptable" that the world was "neglecting people who are dying in the Horn of Africa" because so much aid money had been diverted to Ukraine. 」
「He insisted Britain was showing leadership by tackling both issues at the same time despite cuts to the UK foreign aid budget.」
「He revealed he was setting up a new joint committee with the Treasury to scrutinise aid spending across government.」
「Hamdi Mohamud, 18, goes to a school here that's been supported by British aid. "Sometimes I go to sleep hungry and sometimes I cannot buy the exercise books I need for school," she told us.
"But I motivate myself. I tell myself that some day things will not be like this, and in the future I will be a very important person and help my people."」
「International experts are expected to decide shortly if Somalia has met the strict conditions needed to declare an official famine.」
「Mr Mitchell arrived in great secrecy and security because of the threat from al-Shabab, Islamist militants who control much of Somalia.
He said the devastating drought - brought on by the failure of four consecutive rainy seasons - meant "the resilience of the population is low". There were now, he said, "a million children who are profoundly malnourished".」