BBC Cameroon teacher arrested after viral beating video 26 Feb 2022 By Guy Bandolo
「Police in Cameroon have arrested a teacher after a video emerged online allegedly showing him brutally beating a nine-year-old boy.」
「It shows a totally naked boy being held by his arms and feet by four other children, while a man hits him with a rubber hose and then a machete.
According to an eyewitness, the pupil was punished for failing to give a reason for his absence from school for a few days.」
「Corporal punishment is outlawed in Cameroon, but some schools still use it.」
BBC Nigerian officers killed in blast 22 Feb 2022 BY Ishaq Khalid
「The authorities in Nigeria say an explosion has killed at least four security personnel in the north0central state of Niger.」
「Residents said the mines were apparently planted to prevent security forces from coming to the aid of the communities under attack.」
BBC Chagos islanders in emotional, historic trip home 13 Feb 2022
BBC Nigeria to ban films featuring ritual killings 11 Jan 2022
「Nigeria's parliament has declared ritual killings a national emergency.
Minority leader Toby Okechukwu blamed the vice on Nollywood films with storylines that feature juju.
The film licencing board has been directed to ban all productions that have ritual killings as part of the plot.」
「Those behind the killing are accused of planning to use her body parts in some kind of money-making juju.」
BBC Korea: High-profile suicides spark cyber-bullying petition 9 Feb 2022
「Thousands in South Korea have signed a petition calling for more action on cyber-bullying in the wake of two celebrity deaths.
Both volleyball player Kim In-hyeok and YouTuber Cho Jang-mi, who died within a day of each other, are thought to have taken their own lives.
Both had been targeted with hate comments online.Thousands in South Korea have signed a petition calling for more action on cyber-bullying in the wake of two celebrity deaths.
Both volleyball player Kim In-hyeok and YouTuber Cho Jang-mi, who died within a day of each other, are thought to have taken their own lives.
Both had been targeted with hate comments online.」
「Cyber-bullying of well-known figures is a big issue in South Korea and several celebrities have killed themselves.」
BBC North Korea missile tests: Photos from space released 31 Jan 2022
「North Korea has released photographs which it said were taken from its most powerful missile launch in five years.
The unusual pictures taken from space show parts of the Korean peninsula and surrounding areas.」
「Pyongyang has conducted a record number of seven missile launches in the past month alone - an intense flurry of activity that has been strongly condemned by the US, South Korea, Japan, and other nations.」
Yahoo!News ブータン「世界一幸せな国」の幸福度ランキング急落 背景に何が? 2021/10/26(火) 7:00配信
BBC Cameroon teacher arrested after viral beating video 26 Feb 2022 By Guy Bandolo
「Police in Cameroon have arrested a teacher after a video emerged online allegedly showing him brutally beating a nine-year-old boy.」
「It shows a totally naked boy being held by his arms and feet by four other children, while a man hits him with a rubber hose and then a machete.
According to an eyewitness, the pupil was punished for failing to give a reason for his absence from school for a few days.」
「Corporal punishment is outlawed in Cameroon, but some schools still use it.」
BBC Nigerian officers killed in blast 22 Feb 2022 BY Ishaq Khalid
「The authorities in Nigeria say an explosion has killed at least four security personnel in the north0central state of Niger.」
「Residents said the mines were apparently planted to prevent security forces from coming to the aid of the communities under attack.」
BBC Chagos islanders in emotional, historic trip home 13 Feb 2022
BBC Nigeria to ban films featuring ritual killings 11 Jan 2022
「Nigeria's parliament has declared ritual killings a national emergency.
Minority leader Toby Okechukwu blamed the vice on Nollywood films with storylines that feature juju.
The film licencing board has been directed to ban all productions that have ritual killings as part of the plot.」
「Those behind the killing are accused of planning to use her body parts in some kind of money-making juju.」
BBC Korea: High-profile suicides spark cyber-bullying petition 9 Feb 2022
「Thousands in South Korea have signed a petition calling for more action on cyber-bullying in the wake of two celebrity deaths.
Both volleyball player Kim In-hyeok and YouTuber Cho Jang-mi, who died within a day of each other, are thought to have taken their own lives.
Both had been targeted with hate comments online.Thousands in South Korea have signed a petition calling for more action on cyber-bullying in the wake of two celebrity deaths.
Both volleyball player Kim In-hyeok and YouTuber Cho Jang-mi, who died within a day of each other, are thought to have taken their own lives.
Both had been targeted with hate comments online.」
「Cyber-bullying of well-known figures is a big issue in South Korea and several celebrities have killed themselves.」
BBC North Korea missile tests: Photos from space released 31 Jan 2022
「North Korea has released photographs which it said were taken from its most powerful missile launch in five years.
The unusual pictures taken from space show parts of the Korean peninsula and surrounding areas.」
「Pyongyang has conducted a record number of seven missile launches in the past month alone - an intense flurry of activity that has been strongly condemned by the US, South Korea, Japan, and other nations.」
Yahoo!News ブータン「世界一幸せな国」の幸福度ランキング急落 背景に何が? 2021/10/26(火) 7:00配信