

Tigray Crisisメモ(2)

2020-12-27 15:20:25 | Newsメモ
BBC Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: About 2.3 million children cut off from aid, UN says 15 December 2020

About 2.3 million children in Ethiopia's northern Tigray region are cut off from humanitarian assistance as violence continues, the UN has warned.

"Protecting these children, many of whom are refugees and internally displaced... must be a priority," said the UN's children's agency Unicef.

BBC Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: 'How the conflict made my uncle a refugee in Sudan' 3 December 2020

BBC Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: 'My little brother needs medicine' 13 November 2020 By Hana Zeratsyon

With my 11-year-old brother suffering from cerebral palsy and epilepsy, I am extremely worried about whether he will get his medication following the outbreak of a new conflict in Ethiopia's already war-scarred Tigray region.

BBC Ethiopia's Tigray crisis: Cutting through the information blackout 5 December

"There is no government in the city."

He added that federal soldiers can only be seen in a limited area and in the absence of local police and security forces, looting has become common.

Last month, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission reported on the massacre of at least 600 people in the town of Mai-Kadra. It said that ethnic Amhara people had been targeted by Tigrayan youths backed by the local Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) administration in what it said could amount to a war crime.

The TPLF has denied involvement.

 メディア・ブラックアウトは定番の対応になったのだろうけど。民間人は一人も死なしていない!というAbiy Ahmedの声明に関わらず、そりゃあ付随的被害は当然のように出るし、もののついでで虐殺なんかもそりゃごろごろ起きるわな。

BBC Tigray crisis: Why there are fears of civil war in Ethiopia 13 November 2020 By Desta Gebremedhin

What led to the fighting?
September's election in Tigray, which the federal government had postponed nationwide because of coronavirus, is widely considered to be the cause of the recent rapid deterioration.

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