

チャド湖でBoko Haramが地方村落を襲撃

2020-01-05 16:24:07 | ナイジェリア事情
 Boko Haramと思しい集団が行商人を装って近づき、漁民を大量に―50人ほど―殺害した模様。

BBC Lake Chad attack: 'Dozens of fishermen' killed near Cameroon border 3 Jan 2020

Suspected Boko Haram militants have killed at least 50 people on an island on Lake Chad, bordering Cameroon and Chad, a local official told the BBC.

The militants, disguised as traders, attacked fishermen, local mayor Ali Ramat said, quoting a survivor.

The attack happened on 22 December, but news from the remote area is only just beginning to come out.


Mr Ramat, the mayor of Darak in Cameroon's Far North Region, told the BBC that among those killed were at least 20 Cameroonians. An unknown number of people are still unaccounted for, he said.


In late December, local community members sent a search party to the area of the attack and found dead bodies floating in the water, the BBC's Killian Chimtom in Cameroon reports.

 どうも対Boko Haram連合部隊は装備が足りずにこの近辺をパトロール地域から外したとか。

Mayor Ramat said the area had become a hotspot for Boko Haram attacks since Chadian soldiers stopped patrolling it.

He told the BBC that the Multi-National Joint Task Force - a five-nation regional military force from the countries of the Lake Chad Basin - was ill equipped to patrol the area.
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