


2022-06-19 12:33:52 | Newsメモ
 英国だけの話ではなく 世界的な話としか言いようがあるまい…。

BBC Warning food prices to rise quickly over summer 16 Jun 2022

Food prices will rise quickly this summer due to soaring costs, grocery analysts have predicted.


Prices will rise at a rate of 15% as households pay more for staples such as bread, meat, dairy and fruit and vegetables, the Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD) said.

More vulnerable people will skip meals, it warned.


It also predicted that prices would rise faster for longer than Bank of England estimates.

The IGD, which provides analysis to major grocers, said the UK was facing the highest cost of living pressures since the 1970s, mainly down to the Ukraine war.


Both Ukraine and Russia are major global grain producers - the countries together account for nearly a third of global wheat exports.


Chickens grow quickly, so it will only take weeks for animal-feed price rises to be felt by consumers.

The squeeze on fuel and energy costs will also push food prices higher, because a lot of agriculture is very energy intensive, it said. Fertiliser prices have also nearly tripled since last year.

The UK also faces particular problems, it said. Two-thirds of the people on the Seasonal Agricultural Workers scheme were from Ukraine last year, but this year, Ukrainian men between 18 and 60-years-old have been told to stay at home and fight.


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