


2022-09-14 22:37:56 | Newsメモ



BBC Ethiopians rescued from slavery trip 7 Sep 2022 By Grace Kuria

Eighteen victims of human trafficking have been rescued en route to destinations in the Gulf nations where they were to be sold into slavery, according to Kenya’s Directorate of Criminal Investigations.

The victims, all male Ethiopian nationals, were found in a house in Athi River, on the outskirts of the capital, Nairobi, during a raid by detectives from the Transnational Organized Crimes Unit.


This comes just a day after 24-year-old Diana Chepkemoi jetted back to the country after experiencing cruelty at the hands of an employer in Saudi Arabia.

She said many other abused Kenyans were trapped in the Middle-Eastern country, and urged the government to help them.

 ケニア人をもどせ! という叫びをあげたら、そのケニア人のならず者がエチオピア人を売り払う手続きをしていた―ということになるわけで…そうした犯罪組織は速やかに撃滅してしまえ、という気にはなる。


BBC Liberian man arrested for war crimes 8 Sep 2022

BBC Newcastle arrest over alleged Liberian civil war crimes 8 Sep 2022


BBC Equatorial Guinea approves November election 9 Sep 2022 By Guy Bandolo

Parliament in Equatorial Guinea has approved a move to bring forward the presidential election to November, instead of 2023.

This means political parties have less than four months to prepare.


It follows the Congress' authorisation for the government to merge the presidential election with legislative and municipal elections.



BBC Ukraine war: North Korea supplying Russia with weapons, says US 6 Sep 2022 By Matt Murphy

Russia has been forced to buy military hardware from North Korea as sanctions squeeze Moscow's ability to supply its military, the US says.

A US official revealed Moscow is the process of purchasing millions of rockets and artillery shells from Pyongyang for use in Ukraine.

And they said that Russia could be forced to buy additional North Korean weaponry as the war dragged on.

Last month, North Korea recognised the independence of Russia's two proxy statelets in eastern Ukraine - the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics - and vowed to deepen its "comradely friendship" with Moscow.

Broad economic sanctions have done little to damage Russia's income from energy exports, according to Finnish think tank the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air.

It estimates Russia has made ?158bn (£136bn) from surging fossil fuel prices during the six-month invasion, with EU imports accounting for more than half of that.

But the US thinks export controls and sanctions are affecting the Russian military.

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