


2023-09-04 19:26:26 | Newsメモ

BBC Gabon coup will not end rule by Bongo clan - presidential source 3 Sep 2023 By Khadidiatou Cissé


The military takeover in Gabon will merely lead to a continuation of rule by the Bongo clan which has been in power for 55 years, a source close to the deposed president has told the BBC.

"General Brice Oligui Nguema is a direct product of the Bongo clan," said the source, who wanted to remain anonymous for security reasons.

He warned those celebrating the coup not to expect too much to change.

 この将軍はボンゴ・クラーンのdirect productに過ぎないぞ、と。

Our source's comments echo those of opposition leader Albert Ondo Ossa, who told the Associated Press that the coup was a "palace revolution", engineered by the Bongo family to retain their power.


However, our source said that the new strongman, the head of the elite Republican Guard, was "a direct product of the Bongo clan. He is the spiritual son of Omar Bongo and has always been closely tied to the presidential family", adding that some believe he is Ali Bongo's cousin.

Omar Bongo was in power for 41 years before his son Ali succeeded him following his death in 2009.

"Everyone is celebrating now but we shouldn't forget that the transition leader ate at the Bongo family's table for decades. He has a lot of experience and was able to bring back hope, but the Gabonese people must remain alert".

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