福田氏、総裁選出馬へ 自民党の支持拡大 きょう告示 23日投開票 額賀氏も表明 麻生氏はきょう
The Liberal Democratic Party's executive has decided to notify its presidential election schedule and procedure on the 14th,and cast and count of votes are held on the 23rd of this month.As to its candidacy,Yasuo Fukuda,fomer chief cabinet secretary in the Koizumi administration,of the Machimura faction,is believed to decide to run for the race and expand supports from the LDP members. Meanwhile,Fukushiro Nukaga,present Finace Minister,of the Tsushima faction,expresse his wish for the presidency.Taro Aso,Secretary General of LDP,top of the Aso faction,is thought to announce his candidacy today.
The Liberal Democratic Party's executive has decided to notify its presidential election schedule and procedure on the 14th,and cast and count of votes are held on the 23rd of this month.As to its candidacy,Yasuo Fukuda,fomer chief cabinet secretary in the Koizumi administration,of the Machimura faction,is believed to decide to run for the race and expand supports from the LDP members. Meanwhile,Fukushiro Nukaga,present Finace Minister,of the Tsushima faction,expresse his wish for the presidency.Taro Aso,Secretary General of LDP,top of the Aso faction,is thought to announce his candidacy today.