
2007年09月16日 21時25分48秒 | その他

Then what kinds of things do people expect their communities to do,with regard to crime prevention and security?


A survey asking people about the effective measureas in order to realize safe and peaceful society showed that the highest marked ones are the facility maintenance like "setting up of more street lamps and enhasncement of visibility of park's every corner(64.2%)," followed by activities based on communities like "activity such as resident patrol."


And,asked "whether you yourself want to participate in the voluntary crime prevention activity," 58.6 % of the respondents replied " want to participate in," including "want to participate in if possible."


As to the specific group he or she wants to participate in,it is learned that there are many people who want to do the activities through the group deep-rooted in the community,as 76.6 % of the respondents picked up "activities by schools or neighborhood association."

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from today's Nikkei

2007年09月16日 20時08分48秒 | 新聞記事から
自民総裁選スタート 消費税、両氏が「検討」 福田・麻生氏 改革、痛みに配慮 北朝鮮政策では対立
With regard to the LDP presidential election,Yasuo Fukuda,former Chief Cabinet Secretary,and Taro Aso,Secretary General of the party,registered their candidacy on the 15th,and the race sarted and continues through the 23rd of this month,when the votes are cast.At a joint press conference, the both said the reform strategy should be continued, but negative aspects resulting from the strategy also should be addressed.They also referred to the cunsumption tax hike issue,saying it is necessary to discuss it.On the North Korean issues did they differ with each other.

参考:最後の文章は、They differed on the North Korean issue with each other. がもともとの文章で、on the North Korean issue が前に出てきたので、倒置になったもの。
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